I’m thrilled to participate in the #SummerBlogSocial hosted by Liz and Jessica because I really like these ladies and their great ideas and because I’ve been blogging for a while. Not to mention, I’m also very “social” so it certainly seems to fit, right?
I perused the topics (all 13 of them!) several times and started to make a list of 10 tips for other bloggers.
But I quickly realized that my tips were simply a regurgitation of several of the ones I read HERE, HERE and HERE, and so I decided to show some linky love on that topic instead.
Then I thought I’d ask advice from others on how to really use Stumble Upon and/or this new thing, Triberr (which I’m a member of, yes, but don’t really know how to use either…) But, I also figured that I could just Google those things and probably find some decent articles on those topics and that it just didn’t warrant an entire post, for me anyway. (Feel free to still leave tips on those things in the comments, if you’d like, please…kthanx)
And then I read the topic on where I’d like to see my blog in the next 6 months or a year and I thought, I don’t know, the same place? At www.missealineouslife.com. I have contemplated moving to WordPress but that’s about the only change (besides switching out the pic at the top, as the kids grow) that I foresee.
So, here I sit with almost 5 years of blogging and 2+ years of tweeting under my belt and what have I got to show for it?
Well, for starters, LOTS of friends I never knew existed.
It’s actually THE main reason I keep doing this.
The people. That’s right, YOU.
You’ve helped me lose post-baby weight, cook yummy food for my family, know whether to take my kids to the doctor or stroked my mommy ego, many a time. You’ve supported me when I’ve been upset with myself or fought for the right to birth and feed my babies however I had to or chose to, without judging. You’ve helped me follow my bliss and supported me in my writing and encouraged me to show my 8th grade, one-sided BANGS!
And YOU are the reason I pack my suitcase with cute clothing and accessories and travel half-way across the country to attend a conference like BlogHer, so that I can actually meet you, hug you and laugh with you IN REAL LIFE.
I had no, none, nada idea that this community existed when I started my blog Thanksgiving weekend of 2006.
I had no idea that blogging would introduce me to so many wonderful, amazing, talented people and open my eyes to so many new things.
But it has, and for that I’m thankful.
So where DO I see myself in 6 months or even a year?
Right here, with you all and with the people I have yet to meet.
I’m so excited. 🙂
P.S. Please “Like” The Miss Elaine-ous Life on FB!
And I’m also on Pinterest now too! LOVE IT!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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