It seems like every few years there is another tragedy or natural disaster where I find myself parked in front of the t.v. watching heart-breaking images of unfathomable events.
With this latest storm, “Sandy” I am taken aback by how quickly things can change. And the tears flow when I read stories about mothers losing their children and families losing EVERYthing. Including their livelihood.
Humans are resilient but I feel our country has taken so many blows in the last decade or so…
And I feel LUCKY that I and my family are so blessed. I pray our luck never runs out. But you just never know, you know? If I were someone from Breezy Point, NY or Staten Island, NY or Atlantic City, NJ or Hoboken, NJ right now, I would appreciate anything anyone could give to aid in the recovery from this terrible event.
There are many ways that we can help.
Look at this list and see what strikes your fancy and (not to guilt trip you) if you are sitting at home reading this with all the lights on and warm food on your table and a dry home and beautiful things and all your family surrounding you then you should help. Not only because it is the right thing to do but because you just never know when you might need help too…
As for me I started by giving to the community of Breezy Point, NY. Maybe it’s because I like the name or because of this photograph that made me bawl like a baby.
Either way… they are in so very much need and I am able and willing to help, so I did.
Please also see this post by Britt about WHY we should help others… She nailed it.
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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