“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival.” – C. S. Lewis 

I was able to go out to dinner with some of my girlfriends this past Saturday night. We went to one of my favorite restaurants, P.F. Chang’s. YUM-MY! I had this excellent citrus soy salmon dish that was absolutely delectible. Let’s face it, I just love food. And then there were the 2 glasses of Pinot that were also quite tasty. Okay, so I have a little affinity for wine as well. So sue me.
I also love these girls and it was too long since I’d seen most of them (Claudia doesn’t count cause I see her every week since we are in our playgroup together!). Life has gotten busier with more children and we all live in a different part of the metroplex so an outing such as this is harder to come by these days. But, I feel you are nothing without your friends, and luckily we were able to find time (minus our pal Wendy who was still out of town on business – we missed you girl!) to share a meal and some girl time.
Not to mention I was sitting at a table with 4 other people whose food I did not have to cut up. Shear Heaven.
And there was adult conversation, good food, wine, good friends and dessert (oh yeah baby!) to top it all off. Who could ask for more?

The Girls – Claud, Me, Jennifer, Heather and Heather
Thanks girls! Let’s not make it so long before we get together again!