I was in church the other day and I was supposed to be listening to the priest. And I was, for the most part.
But my mind drifted for minute or two, as it tends to do sometimes, and I noticed a woman and her family – her husband and their three sons – in the front pew.
I thought about some of my blogging friends who have 3 boys (yes, I thought about blogging in church. It’s okay, God still loves me)
I wondered if this woman had a blog. I then immediately assumed she does not. I’ve seen her around church before but do not “know” her.
Not a lot of people in the small city where I live have blogs. At least not that I know of anyway. And I assume after 5 years I would know them all, right?
Anyway, I started to think about how the conversation would go if I, as a blogger myself, started questioning someone who does not have a blog as to why… (this was after church… mostly……)
Also, please note, this entire convo is in my head and is completely tongue-in-cheek and comes from someone who has been blogging for awhile and who has gotten many a strange look when talking about HAVING a blog…
So, I heard you DON’T have a blog…?
No, I don’t actually.
Don’t you take photos of your kids?
So what do you do with them?
Oh I print them out or make photo books with them.
So you don’t post them online?
Well, sometimes I will put one here or there on Facebook if it is a big milestone, like Kindergarten graduation or something like that. Or if we are on vacation… you know…
So you don’t write?
I do, sometimes, in a journal. You know, with a pen.
But then how to get feedback from others?
Well, I don’t. I write personal stuff that others do not need to read…
Oh wow. Huh. That’s interesting. What about twitter – you’re on there right?
No. What’s twitter? Oh wait, I think I’ve heard of that… I don’t GET that at all though. Too confusing.
You don’t’ have a lot of friends do you?
You mean like on Facebook??
No, I mean in general. I have LOTS of friends on my computer. I met them through my blog, it’s pretty awesome. Too bad you have to miss out on BlogHer and stuff like that…
What is BlogHer?
It’s an annual blogging conference I go to every year where bloggers get together to meet and learn and hang out.
Oh. That sounds fun. But yeah… I don’t have a blog so…
Yeah. Bummer for you. Sorry, I just don’t really get this “no blog” thing… Maybe you should start one.
What would I say?
Oh forget it. If you don’t know what you’d say then you don’t need to have one. Just keep posting to Facebook…
I think what it really comes down to is that I cannot imagine being someone without a blog, just like many non-bloggers don’t know what it is like to have a blog.
What would you (if you’re a blogger) ask someone who does NOT have a blog??
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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