I consider it QUITE timely that I happened to be visiting my parents when this week’s You Capture subject is VEHICLES.
My Daddy likes trucks. And he inherited this really cool one that was my Grandfather’s (his Father in Law, my Mother’s Dad).
It’s from the ’50’s… so in my opinion that makes it REALLY. COOL.
Wouldn’t you agree?
(yes, it’s the same shot, I couldn’t decide since one pic makes it look like it was taken “back in the day” and the other one shows you how beautiful RED it is…)
Wasn’t the style of things just fabulous back then? I mean really, they DON’T make ’em like they used to…
And the boys LOVE to play in it too…
Seriuosly, at least a half hour of entertainment for my boys who were UP AT 6 A.M.(!!!) this morning.
Yep, Grandpa’s old 1956 Ford truck is a pretty cool VEHICLE indeed!
Cool truck, love the color
Yes super cool! What great photos of your boys. Boys and trucks are always soooo cute! These are classic too.
I think it’s cool for all ages. Vintage, yet stylish.
Love it! the red is so bright and cheery!
And 6am? UGH.
Beautiful truck!
My dad drives a Chevy from the 60’s. He bought it brand new and will not trade it for anything. Before I had kids and when I actually had money, my brothers and I offered to buy him a new small pickup truck. Just to have to drive around and to work. We would never make him get rid of his truck…we love it too. But, he did not want anything to do with a new one.
Yes, it is really cool and no they don’t make them like that anymore!!
Great shots my dear!
Red vehicles are my favorite
Especially if it is vintage.
What a pretty truck! Love it! Thanks for sharing.
I’m so jealous! This is THE truck that I’ve always wanted and in red no less!!!
You’re right! That truck is incredible and you did a great job capturing its character!
very cool truck – and great job on the pictures. I really like the off center ones.
I agree, very cool!
My 15 year-old nieces want a vintage truck, but I think it has everything to do with Twilight.
Great pics E!
I need to buy that truck ASAP.
LOVE it.
SO colorful! I love how the inside pics and the red seats!
Seriouly the coolest truck and the coolest shots I’ve seen all day. To top it off what cute boys!
Wow! I love it! The first one is my favorite!
I love the processing on the first shot-very vintage!
ohh what cute photos!!
LOVE them all!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the first one!! AWESOME!
Great photos! I love your blog design, too – it’s so pretty.