You Capture – Signs

There were LOTS ‘o signs to see (and feel, see below…) in New Orleans last weekend.

And if I’d actually remembered that this was the topic for You Capture this week, then I might have some good shots. But instead, you’ll just have to settle for these…

There were many “flashy” ones, like this one.

And some that made me giggle (i don’t know why, it just did…)

This one is right next to St. Louis Cathedral. Makes sense.

A steam boat on the Mississippi.

Where we ate dinner on Saturday night.

I wished I could take a ride.

So the last one is more of a ‘symbol’ than a sign but you know, I HAD to include it because the Fluer de Lis is the most popular symbol in Louisiana and it’s EVERY.WHERE.

I also wanted to mention the other “sign” I experienced while in NOLA.

On Sunday when we got back to the parking lot where our car was, after a LONG day of walking and eating and such, we could NOT find the car keys and my set were LOCKED in the car.

Tim went off to one of the hotels to call Pop a Lock and I sat down on a curb and waited with the kids, very forlorn. I happened to be sitting at eye-level with the side of Baby K’s stroller and as I was looking at the part that went down beneath her seat I had and idea.

Maybe, just maybe, the keys had slipped down behind her seat.

I reached down and THERE THEY WERE!!!

Thank goodness.

I like to think I got a SIGN from a little key angel. If those exist.

Lots of angels on this trip.


Links to my THREE other New Orleans posts are included in this post.


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