Mornings start pretty early around here.
Yesterday’s started at 5:58 a.m.
Like I said, early.
I do not wake up by alarm clock..
I usually wake up by hearing “WAAAAAAH!!” or “I gotta go potty!” or “can you turn the t.v. on?”. You can probably guess which child goes with which statement.
So… in order to begin my day ‘right’ I need two things:
Food and coffee (in this case it’s iced)(the coffee, not the food).
I take a few minutes to assemble the first-grader’s lunch. While still in my night gown (ignore dirty kitchen floor. nothing to see here. move along.)
Later in the morning (you know, like around 8:30!) we go play in Kay Kay’s room and she makes me another ‘breakfast’. (wink, wink)
After I ‘eat’ (again) she moseys on over to the play cube.
And then Little G comes to play too.
And I’m thankful for the morning sun that comes in through the window…
… and another beautiful day with my little loves.
p.s. kinda wish there was a photo of The B Man getting off to school but he was NOT in the mood that morning. Perhaps it was the PRE 6 a.m. wake up time…