You Capture – COLORS

This week’s You Capture is all about colors. I was excited to see that topic but life was CUH-RAZY this week so I had little time to get behind the camera. Or in front of it for that matter (which rarely happens anyway…). Am I off topic already? Yep. That’s the kinda of week I’m having. I’m giving “multi-tasking” a WHOLE new meaning people.

Any. way.

I cheated just a tad and included a couple of shots from the arboretum trip we took a couple of months back. But color TOTALLY means spring flowers to me. Doesn’t it to you?

And then there’s the rainbow in my house that comes in the form of TOYS and lots of them… (yes this pic is a little “over colored” but that way you really get the idea. and yes, that’s my child digging in the toy basket…)

And because I like to be literal, my youngest son’s “colors.”

For more You Capture fun visit Beth’s place at I Should Be Folding Laundry. I can’t wait to see all the colors this week!


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