America is a great country because I’m FREE to take pictures of whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I can.
And it’s really cool when you put your baby daughter in front of the neighbors’ American flag on the day before Independence day and the USPS truck happens to drive by at the same time.
Pretty darn American, huh?
We went out to a local festival/fireworks show on Independence Day Eve.
They gave out FREE balloons.
There was FREE watermelon eaten by my baby boy, who was himself eaten on the face, by a pure-bread Louisiana mosquito.
We made it through the fireworks show (although began walking to the car midway through and beat SOME traffic, thankgoodness!)
Then on the 4th we let the boys do sparklers and they loved it.
(until the B man burned his foot – don’t ask. shoes required from now on…)
Beth and her family especially know the meaning of the freedoms we enjoy in this country, as her two brothers are currently deployed and serving our country. Thank You.
Wow, all great photos, but love, love the fireworks shots! Great job!!
I think my favorite is the mail truck and baby girl, you could have better timing for that picture.
The shot of the sparkler is pretty darn cool!
GREAT sparkler shot!
They are all perfect photos!
oh love the fireworks shot! We are loaded up with mosquito bites as well!
Wow – awesome firework picture! This is the first year that I got ANY of my firework pictures to turn out, but I really love yours
I love that you managed to capture a USPS truck
Love the firework shot! WOW!
I love the little boy with the watermelon shot. It is so childhood somehow.
That fireworks shot is awesome!
What a great series of shots, looks like you had a fun day.
I Love that fireworks shot. Showing the people watching and not just the typical only firework burst is great!
Love these shots. Especially the one of G with the watermelon. That mosquito sure did have a big meal!
Great shots! The usps truck in the first shot makes that picture so much more, what great luck!
I love that sparkler shot!
Great firework shot, way to go Tim! I love how patriotic you all are in the US. We could learn a thing or two from y’all (but maybe I shouldn’t try to adopt Southern expressions?:)
Love the first shot, she is so adorable!
I love that first shot! And your sparkler shot is cool, too! We haven’t tried sparklers with our boys-I’m a little nervous about that!
I love these! The first is my favorite though.
Oh, I’m private on my blog but email me your email and I’ll send you the invite. Have a great day!
I always love your pictures and posts Elaine : ) I especially love your pure bread mosquito bite : ) You are so funny and creative!
It all adds up to a great story…but the very best part is that simple, all-American scene (and aDORable baby!) in the first pic. Love it!
that first shot is perfect! So cute!
You need to frame that first one, I really love it.
I love love love that first shot. You couldn’t have planned better timing for that!
These red/white/blue photos are the best! Happy 4th. Late. As usual.
i think your first photo is my favorite! i love the little one taking it all in . thanks for sharing with us
Great pictures from a great family holiday! Much love!!
Great shots…love that last one!
Great photos! That first one with getting the mail truck in there is perfect!
Your firework shots (well, yours and Tim’s) are fabulous!
What a great way to spend the 4th.