Today was a long day. Before we left Austin I ran a Christmas present errand and then I stopped by Starbucks. No big convo about my name this time. It was fun to play Santa for just a bit and a grab a coffee in peace. Then I loaded up the kids and all of our stuff (although we probably forgot something) and hit the road. But not before stopping by my brother’s house. It had been a while since we visited.


Top is February 2010, Bottom is today


At least I think that was the last time we were at their house.

Seems like yesterday.

These days, the best part about holidays to me is seeing family. I just love that my children have cousins they are close to and enjoy spending time with. I hope that will always be the case, long into their adult years. I know it is for me. And part of the reason for that, is the fact that I spent a fair amount of time with them growing up.

Cousins are kind of like siblings, however I think sometimes it is easier to like them since you do not have to be with them day in and day out while growing up. My family always makes me think of the scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding when she tells her boyfriend how many first cousins she has (27, I think) and he’s all “yeah, I have two I never see,” or something like that. I have twenty-one.

“Yesterday” I was elated each time one of my nieces or nephews was born and “Today” the older ones drive and go to New Orleans with me. They are golfers and basketball and volleyball players. Some are teachers and they are all full of knowledge, even about things like video games and social media. They already have their own stories to tell.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe these girls are now adults, making their way in life. I used to change their diapers (I am sure they love me for saying that).


Thanksgiving 2016


So today, I celebrate these “kids”, who I am so blessed to have in my life. I guess having three older brothers paid off in the end after all. Thank goodness…

(P.S. Two of my nephews and one of my nieces are not pictured – they are first next visit!)


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