I walked in the room, layed on the table and exposed my belly. Then the cold gel. My heart started to beat really fast as I thought “This woman is about to tell me if I’m going to have another baby boy or if I will get to have a daughter.”
My husband likes to talk a lot (it’s a gift and a curse) and after the tech put him in his place by saying “Okay Dad, I’m going to do all my work first and then we’ll see what we can see.” we were off….
She took about 5 years minutes to look around at what she needed to, while taking all the necessary measurements, etc. At one point I thought I saw “girl parts” but I’m no expert at reading those things and I needed HER to tell me that, not for me to infer anything.
Once she was finally done with the technical stuff, she moved on down and there they were plain as day.
That’s when Tim smiled most certainly one of THE biggest smiles I’ve ever seen on his face (he was hoping for a girl but neither of us wanted to “get our hopes up,” so to speak) and said something like “I was pretty sure I saw that earlier when she was down in that area!” And I said “me too!!!” It was so funny.
But of course he didn’t say anything because the Nazi sono tech, who apparently likes it really quiet in her room, may have gotten “hot under the scrub!”
Anywho, we made her double, double check that what we had there were NOT boy parts and were GIRL parts. And, yes, they certainly ARE! : )
Here’s the only sono pic she gave me, which is her facing us with her little hand below her chin. I know it may be hard for some of you to see, but I can see her looking right at me! hee hee…. My prediction is that she will look more like her brother The B Man than her brother Little G. We shall see…
Tim and I are elated. Obviously if the news had been opposite we would still be happy to add a little boy to our family, but we are quite excited to be able to experience both.
I was a little “off” for the rest of the day yesterday, thinking about all things girl, mostly the cute shoes I get to shop for (!), but also other things that you have to “worry” about having a girl, vs. boys. I’m sure it will be on a mind a lot.
And of course now we have to choose a name. I think we have pretty much settled on something already but I’m not sure I will share before she’s born. And I’m not completely sure about it but Tim certainly seems to be. Oh and that’s JUST the first name. The middle name is still in debate for sure!
Thanks again to everyone for your sweet comments here and on FB, etc. I’m so happy that many of you are on this journey with us. Isn’t it fun?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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