Categories: bloggingblogherMisc.

Yes, I’m Going to Say The “B” Word

No, not that one.


As most of you know, I’m going to the BIG blog conference this week and I have an array of feelings to go along with that fact. Included in the list are excited, nervous, overwhelmed, oh and kinda FREAKING OUT!

Of course the main thing on my mind is “Oh MY GOSH, I get to meet so many wonderful people!!” People whose blogs I’ve read for a while, people I don’t even know yet that I should be reading, people I just recently connected with on twitter, etc. It really is going to be amazing. I’m not usually one to shy away from people and sometimes that works in my favor and sometimes it doesn’t. Please, if you see me and belly heading your way, don’t run. I promise I’ll be gentle but I may squeal a little. It’s just who I am.

And… I’m getting some time away from the kids for a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I will miss them but since we moved to a place where I know NO ONE yet, I haven’t had any “girl time.” And that my friends, is not so good. Momma needs her time, you know? I think a little “break” will do us all some good.

Then there’s the clothes factor. I’m currently around 7 months pregnant and well, I have that pointy belly to contend with and because of that the only pants/skirts that work (in other words “stay up”) are the ones with the FULL panel that goes over my entire belly. I bought some way too expensive, but they were the only ones that fit right jeans and a pair of black capris that were a must (as are most of my clothing purchases of course!). I also bought a MAXI dress that is VERY “maxi” on me (partly the belly’s fault) that isn’t even a maternity dress (and actually several of my shirts aren’t). I love the dress but it’s a little long (I’m also short and they make those things for tall people!). Oh, and I did find some super cute flats on sale on the GAP ($9!!) that I will be sporting during the day. Shoes really ARE the best accessory.

Next, there’s the fact that BlogHer is in CHICAGO. I hope to see a few other things while there beside the interior of the hotel but with my lack of scheduling (next topic) who knows if that will happen. I’ve never been to Chicago and have always wanted to go so I’m very excited that it is in this city. Although I’m not there to site-see, isn’t it totally stupid to think that I could go out for a bit and see some of the city itself? Feel free to actually answer this question if you’ve been to BlogHer before…

Oh yeah, the schedule thing. I know when I get in and when I leave, does that count? Steph replied to one of my comments the other day and asked if I was going to post my schedule and I thought “What schedule?” I KNOW one party that I RSVPed for but after that, I’ve kinda forgotten. Guess I should write stuff down next time, huh? Luckily I think Haley is pretty organized so I may be following waddling behind her the entire time.

I have to say, I’m a little bummed that I can’t partake of “spirited” beverages but then being one of the only sober ones will probably have it’s benefits too! (Oh the stories I’ll be able to REMEMBER and maybe tell…) ; P

All in all I know for sure it is going to be an amazing experience and also…. over in the blink of an eye. I’m going to try to take it all in as best I can and take lots of pictures!

Now everyone keep your fingers crossed that my blog cards get here before I leave for the airport. Apparently I’m really good at procrastinating lately…


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