I’ve been having memories in the last couple of days of when I used to work outside the home after The B Man was born. Perhaps because I have another little baby and can’t even imagine having to leave her soon…
I went for my six week post-op check up at the doctor on Monday and started chatting with a young lady in the waiting room (not too different than myself 6 years ago) who was pregnant with her first child and there to confirm said pregnancy.
Our conversation made me think of how I, after three months of being sprayed with poop and pee and spending many a day looking into my baby boy’s blue eyes, had to go back to the office. She said she would do the same, especially since she makes more money than her husband.
It wasn’t easy for me to go back but it was best for our family at the time. It was actually best for ME at the time and probably my little baby too. I was not in the right mind set back then to stay home. I knew it and so did Tim.
People change and times change. Both happened with me. And now, here I am. And yes, there are days that I would trade with those who choose (and HAVE to) work a paying job. But most days I wouldn’t – not for the world.
My friend Erin wrote this post and it got me thinking even more… go check it out. She said it better than I can.
This photo was taken back in 2004 one morning before dropping my baby at his in-home day care and making the commute to “work”…
Seven Clown Circus is WordFUL Wednesday headquarters… go there!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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