So my pal Supermommy, who guest-posted here yesterday, has started a new carnival on Wednesdays (yeah, beccause we don’t have any of those during the middle of the week already… wink, wink!) and so I’ve decided to double up today.
Here’s a picture of me from yesterday. Yes, I was wearing green so I wouldn’t get pinched by all 5 people I actually came in contact with, including my two children who don’t get the whole concept yet anyway… and because I’m festive like that!
But that’s not why I post this photo. I post it to ask if you can see the “blemishes” on my chin and the HUGE one on my chest. And to this I say “WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THAT?” I know I have lots of funky hormones going on in my body right now but PLEASE!! Zits are for teenagers and people who don’t wash. And I? am neither.
So, if anyone has a suggestion on how to get rid of or prevent these pesky buggars, I’m open to it. I haven’t had this issue in a while and frankly, I’m running out of concealer…
For more “What’s the Deal With That?” posts go see Supermommy.
For more WordFUL Wednesday go see Angie @ Seven Clown Circus.
Like your picture :]
And no such luck on blemishes, I’ve been having a tinge of a problem with them too.
first of all, that’s a VERY cute picture! 2nd, can’t see anything on your chin. tiny freckle visible on chest – photoshop baby. photoshop. one click and gone
Such a cute picture!!! As for the blemishes…UGH! What a pain! When I was preggers Proactiv was th eonly thing that kept my skin in check – they have this great little skin mask thing that “cured” any zit trying to sneak in! LOL
I really don’t see anything – but funny – I posted a photo of me last Fri with major acne issues and everyone said they didn’t see them either??
I can give you a list of all the things that I have tried that DON’T work!!! Try the dermatologist – I go every 12 weeks – BUT frankly whatever she gives me doesn’t work either! She told me the next step is oral antibiotics. oh Joy!!
I love that picture – it’s so cute! I don’t see anything on your chin, and I just thought you had a freckle. What’s worked best for me is just a regular routine of exfoliating and then using clay masks, on alternating days when my skin acts up. But, sometimes, you just can’t help it. I hate that!
Such a cute photo! I think, while preggo, you just have to live with it:( sorry!
I’m sure it is hormonal (and could mean a girl-just sayin’). My skin still breaks out right before my period. I wouldn’t try anything too extreme because it could make it worse.
I had those during my first trimester with Kamden. Um, so, I guess, um, just be patient?
I know, I know, not what you wanted to hear!
Just to add to my last comment, when I say that it could make it worse I was in no way insinuating that it was bad to begin with. I can hardly even see the pimples, but I’ll take your word for it that they are there.
You look so pretty I didn’t even notice…and sorry, I got nothin’ for you in the blemish advice department. I’m 34 and I have one on my chin right now!!!
I would not have noticed them if you didn;t poin them out. (and I can not see them on your chin BTW)
I wish I had advice regarding pimples. I am almost 33 and am getting Acne for the first time. It bites, and not in a good way.
cute picture of you!!!
You look lovely. Happy WW.
I have no good acne tips, sadly. I hope you gets some good tips via the comments, though. :o)
Is it just me? I don’t see anything. I have heard toothpaste works wonders though.
I think it is a great picture. Sometimes we need to work on blemishes from the inside out — diet, stress, etc… A magical WW to you!
YOU ARE HAVING A GIRL!!!!!!! I have had fairly clear skin my whole life but when I was preggo all heck broke loose on my face and I was covered with zits my entire pregnancy!!!!
And I had a girl.
After having no zits while preggo with my two boys.
Hi Elaine
Don’t you love how these “blemishes” just can’t go it alone, they seem to have to gang up on their unsuspecting victim or at least get around as a small group!!
We recently had professional photos done. Like you I thought I left zits behind (a good 20 years ago in my case). But no, they thought they should plant themselves on my face, three of them, so I could have a lasting impresion of them forever in our photos. Actually, as it turns out, they were no where near as major as I thought they were and you can hardly even see them in our photos.
I am sorry that I do not have any words of wisdom, or advice, when it comes to preventing these sneaky little blemishes.
Lots of love
Don’t see your blemishes, you look adorable! And congrats on the pregnancy
I recently went through a terrible bout of blemishes thanks to hormone overload. Most of what the dermatologist gave me did little to help, however, must say, I have tried the oral antibiotics mentioned above, and my skin looked amazing. Don’t know if you can do it pg though. And it isn’t for every one. The proactiv I have heard, works wonders though.
i had that problem while pregnant too. sadly i have no advice.
Thats a great pic of you!
Ummmmmm, I just turned 60 a month ago and I still get them [‘zits’] every once in a while. No big deal. It’s just life. Beautiful photo of you.
My Wordful is all about “Sister’s Day”. Come join me if you can. Happy Wednesday.
I think this is God’s way of encouraging you to treat yourself with a facial. And if you ask nicely, sometimes the facialist will use some of the spot treatment on your chest too.
I used to break out on my chin all the time. Finally, my dermatologist diagnosed me with perioral dermatitis. There is no known cause or cure, but I was advised to avoid anything mint or cinnamon flavored as well as to switch to a non-fluoride toothpaste. So far, that’s worked for me.
Cute picture! I didn’t notice any blemishes, but it is always the first thing I notice in pics of myself.
Love the picture! You should have entered in the I Heart Faces Adult version. Anywho…
I started using Mary Kay when I was pregnant with Wire Nut because I felt like a darn teenager again. My face hasn’t been like that since! I get some here and there but not like I used to!
Does this mean you’ll double up every week? I think I’ll weep if I loose you on my Wordfuls!
I’m pretty sure you’re stuck…….those pregnancy hormones are suckers. It’s just not right. If it makes you feel any better though, I would have NEVER noticed them. Ever.
If I look really close I can kinda see them. That is such a good picture though.
sry, don’t see any blemishes…are you sure they are there?? looking good!!
I was the same way during my pregnancies… with girls… I agree though, it’s just not right.
Great pictures! I have found astringents to be helpful in this area:-)
Really pretty picture of you girl!
My skin has been pretty yucky these days too. Doggone pregger hormones. So unfortunately, I don’t have any advice for you.
If it makes you feel any better I would have NEVER noticed the blemishes in the first place.
uhm totally didn’t see anything – i thought you were showing us your cute hair
as for the lovely welcome back to puberty tips – i have none. it just sucks!
You look gorgeous! And I couldn’t even see your blemishes? I think you are seeing things my dear
I’ve had them, too–lovely, right? Mine are *knock on wood* dying down a little–maybe week by week they will disappear?
I think you look fab!
And, acne and zits? If you find something that works, please be sure to pass it along.
No, I can’t see the zits… but maybe it’s because I am so used to denying my own! Let me know if you fin a cure- I could use it, too!
don’t see it…but i totally feel for you though. i’m stinking 40 and never had acne as a kid…but now, wow!
What in the world are you talking about?? I see nothing! Nothing!
I think you look fabulous my dear!
You’re so pretty. This might not be an option for you right now, but running has done wonders for my skin. I am woefully lazy when it comes to skin care and do very little. I used to break out fairly often, but I’ve noticed that it rarely happens now that I am exercising regularly.
I didn’t notice, you look pretty good to me!! I experience the same problem now and again, and it is very irritating.
i think that is a great picture of you. maybe you should use the blemishes that no one else noticies as a reason for a spa day!!!! yep, i think that would work. Tim, she needs a spa day. maybe one with her friends…
I don’t have any tips…I’ve had them since I was in junior high, licking my NKOTB posters and sporting the scrunchy.
What’s the deal with that, how cute.
Great picture, no idea on the whole zit thing. I had a problem when pregnant too.
hmmmm…..I wish I could help – I have been trying to find the answer to that question for years now – if anyone tells you anything that works pass the tip along!!
Oh babe be grateful, it could be the other way around. I’m always pimply and gross, but gorgeous and glowing pregnant, hence the 3 pregnancies back to back
Thanks a bizillion for playing along Lainey, you’re awesome and beutimous!
OK-1st this picture is gorgeous!!
You are so super silly-I see nothing. And did you self take this pic?? What is your secret??
As far as the stupid acne-Im 34 and STILL get them as well….WTH?? I dont get it and I have no advice to offer for it!
So if anyone sends you the magic secret-feel free to pass it along. k-thanks!
Man you get a lot of comments! I had that same problem in my first trimester. Bummer but you have to just wait it out.
You know it’s SO worth it though. 
I must be blind I don’t see anything, but it does get better in the second trimester! Trust me!!!