This is my friend Mr. Seal letting you know I’m outta here for a while. His mouth is open – can’t you tell what he’s saying? (Or it could be a “Mrs.”, I honestly don’t know….)
Anyway, we’re headed down south to enjoy some time at Sea World and various other entertainment parks. I plan to visit with my family for a couple of days as well, before the big move happens in a few short weeks. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and is already enjoying Summer. I know we plan to soak some up ourselves…
See more Wordful Wednesdays at Seven Clown Circus!
Have fun!
Have a wonderful time. YOu are going to be missed!
have a great time!!!!!!
have a great time!!!!!!
Enjoy your trip!
have a great time on your trip!!
Enjoy your trip! I’ve heard Sea World is great!
That is going to be so much fun for you guys. can’t wait to see pictures and hear all about your trip. Welcome to the South!!
we just went to sea world last week! sooo much fun! are you in socal?
Good for you, Elaine! I’m so glad you’re taking some time out for fun during this crazy time. Have a GREAT time!!
A very well deserved break!
Enjoy yourself.
Can’t wait to catch up when you return…Have fun!!!
Have a great time!
Have fun!
Have fun; get some sun for us!
Thanks for stopping by. I’d almost forgotten that Moose’s hair looks like Big A’s because Big A hasn’t had hair like that in a year and a half. It just doesn’t curl like it used to. I think my hair stole all the curl. haha
how fun! we are going to the zoo on sat and i cannot wait!!
my ww’s:
Have a great time!
That sounds awesome! have a good and safe trip.
Woohoo! Have a great time!
I love Sea World! YOu’ll have a blast I’m sure. Enjoy your family time
Thanks for stopping by my blog…
We will be doing the theme park rounds in a couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy your trip!
Happy WW!
Hope you have a great time!
Oh, lucky you. Have a great trip!
I love watching seals!
Have a fantastic time!
HAve fun and remember to find time to rest!
I’ve always wanted to go to Sea World, have fun!
Enjoy. every. moment ELAINE!
Enjoy your vacation!! I haven’t been to Sea World since I was about 12. I want to take the kids on our next trip to FL. Have a great time!!
Hope you all have a wonderful time!
Have a great trip, Elaine!
Love the seal! I hope you’re having a blast. Which Sea World location are you going to? San Antonio?