The kitchen that Santa brought last Christmas (2008) is now in Baby K’s room and Little G, Baby K and I were all in her room playing this morning. She was in the crib laughing at her sunflower and he was “baking” me something.
I suddenly remembered that I had a knitted sweater and matching booties that my Mom gave me after The B Man was born. A friend of hers made them for ME when I was a baby and I figured I’d never have the chance to use them since they looked well, kinda “girly.”
Righ then and there I decided it was time for Baby K to play “dress up” and here she is sportin’ Momma’s baby clothes!! Turns out both the sweater and the booties fit her perfectly right now. And the booties STAY ON because they have these awesome little ties that go around the ankles and keep them from slipping off. Hand made stuff is just the bestest!
And the detail in these items is so wonderful. I really do love vintage clothing, especially baby stuff. Okay, I just described my own baby clothes as “vintage”. Ship. (which in our house also means another S.H.I. word…) Excuse my French.
Anyway, feast your eyes on the cuteness!
P.S. Just LOOK at that awesome close up picture of the baby bootie! GAH I LOVE MY NEW CAMERA!!!
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I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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