We visited the local zoo yesterday (for the first time) and this little guy just sat there and stared at us as we walked by. I kinda felt like if he could talk he’d say “Won’t someone, anyone, let me out of here?”
You all know I LOVE, ADORE and CHERISH my life as mother and wife. But sometimes, don’t we all feel that way? Just a little?
P.S. I really do have it great because I can take my kids to the zoo any day of the week and get to spend time with them all day and hug and kiss them any time I want to.
This post may or may not have been inspired by the fact that Elaine is tired of changing LOTS and LOTS of poopy diapers lately and her desire for one day without an “explosion” of sorts…
Poor little guy…he looks so SAD!!
I get it. Truuuuust me. I SO get it.
Poor monkey . It’s sad when you can totally relate to a monkey, isn’t it?
Awww maybe he was hungry. I can’t wait to get out with the kids
YES. We do all feel that way sometimes. Errr, at least I do! Also these days I feel like there’s too much taking me AWAY from her!
I saw this and immediately thought of Dr. Suess and “Put Me in the Zoo” Hmmm….
I have totally felt the same way.
Definitely! It’s not being a bad mum to admit it – I know I sometimes feel like that.
Ah yes, the blowouts. I so don’t look forward to those if we ever have another child. : )
I think every SAHM gets what you are trying to say. Most days are great and we are fortunate that we can be home to enjoy those wonderful moments. But then, some days are just really poopy, just like all those yucky diapers. Make sure you escape for some Me Time. It makes all the difference and you will feel less like a sad caged monkey.
Chin up, Sweetie! (((HUGS)))
I hear ya!
I can definitely relate. We SAHMs may have the best jobs in the world, but it’s not always a rose garden, and unlike a regular job, we can’t take a day off.
I still wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Hey if we never felt this way sometimes, we’d never appreciate that explosion free day (I know it is in your future!)
Yes. Right there with you.
I love how we as mother’s feel the need to justify our “I Feel Trapped Sometimes” comments.
and then add additional disclaimers as to why we feel this way.
I sooooo get you! My inner trapped animal is more like a rat on a wheel though, definately not as cute!
I love the zoo but it does make me sad sometimes. Just look at that little guy.
This is my week, too…
This is my week, too…
This is my week, too…
Oh I love it – and I, too, feel that way sometimes.
oh i remember those days! – and the tiredness too! one day soon – YOU will be going to be before they do! it’s a strange day when it comes, but cometh it will – before you know it!
Sometimes I feel so much like a caged monkey, I throw my poop right at whoever is truly aggravating me. Was that too gross to put in the comment section? Sorry, it’s just how I think. This is my first comment here too, so that’s an awesome first impression on my part. Please don’t block me or anything. I won’t talk about monkey poo again, I swear.
Oh I can totally relate. Sometimes I feel like that too. Well, a lot of times lately. Not that I do not love my life but lately I feel a little lost.
Totally get. 100%.
That has been me for this week…and some days before this week.
Don’t worry, little monkey…you are not alone
Yep, I feel it at times too.
I feel that way about the class I’m covering this week!
And those explosions…I call them “$hit-splosions!” It makes me feel better.
I get it. I SO get it. I often feel that way. And then I feel really guilty and crappy for ever thinking it….