WW – So THIS is What 11 Months is Like. Yeah, I Remember Now.

Gah. Even my title is wordFUL.

As you may have guessed from said title, Baby K is 11 months old today.

I have NO comment on the fact that this means she will be a year old in 30 days.

Well, I may have one…

*sniff, sniff*

Moving on…

Somehow, it’s easy to forget how quickly they become toddlers (this MUST be why so many of us have more) and although she is not walking yet, she loves to walk around the furniture while holding on and has stood for a few seconds without holding on to anything. And even though she’s not walking, crawling serves her perfectly well and since she can crawl and stand, well, these are the kind of pictures I have of her these days. You know, getting into stuff and being fairly mischievous.

But of course, also being completely adorable while doing so…

she loves to sit insdie this box of toys. she gets up in there all on her own.
she fits inside the cabinet where I have all the plastic ware. and she loves to take it all out and put herself in. tee hee.

why we have not permanently moved the books from this shelf I do not know. they end up on the floor AT LEAST twice eight times a day.


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