Gah. Even my title is wordFUL.
As you may have guessed from said title, Baby K is 11 months old today.
I have NO comment on the fact that this means she will be a year old in 30 days.
Well, I may have one…
*sniff, sniff*
Moving on…
Somehow, it’s easy to forget how quickly they become toddlers (this MUST be why so many of us have more) and although she is not walking yet, she loves to walk around the furniture while holding on and has stood for a few seconds without holding on to anything. And even though she’s not walking, crawling serves her perfectly well and since she can crawl and stand, well, these are the kind of pictures I have of her these days. You know, getting into stuff and being fairly mischievous.
But of course, also being completely adorable while doing so…
ha! i thought the same thing when alice was that age, “how did i forget this pulling everything down for entertainment stage??”
she is precious.
Love the cupboards and the books photos! Thanks for sharing!
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oops, that was me! i was logged into the wrong account!
oh my word!! She is so cute- and I can’t believe she is already almost 1!!! I remember those last few pics of you pregnant…its amazing how quickly it all goes by!!
Oh those legs! I could nosh on them!
And look, a Canadian Rockies book! Did you buy that when you were up visiting your cousin?
She is adorable.
Seriously I love the picture of her on her tippy toes. And, reading. Because you know, that IS what she’s doing. Not making a mess to torture you. She. Is. Reading. Nothing wrong with that:)
Oh Elaine, she is so precious!!! Enjoy these days-they go soo fast!!! Before you know it you will have teenagers with ATTITIDES, Ipods and APPS!!! TJ got an Ipod for his birthday (13!!!) and all I hear about is getting more APPS!!! If only he still played in the cabinets!!!! Miss you guys and love your blog-this is my first visit!!! Loretta
Oh my GOSH! The sweetness!!!!! These pictures are so freaking cute, they make me want another baby. NO NO NO!!!! I AM DONE! Seriously, she’s a doll. The ones of her in the cabinet and with the books… classic.
So adorable. I don’t KNOW how they grow so fast. It’s all too fast… and kind of sad.
Happy 11 months, baby girl!
oh my gosh… i so remember this age! My son would take every book off the shelf and make a huge mess! so sweet!
Yes, this stage is annoying but it is so darn cute!
Completely adorable is right! I love the cupboard shots… too cute!
Oh my gosh, that second shot in the cupboard totally made my day! LOVE it!!
oh wow…she is growing up too fast. I don’t know how you don’t cry everyday at how beautiful she is!
So cute. They do grow too fast. I remember those toddler days. Now I have a four year old already talking about going to school next year.
She is so frickin cute, I cant stand it! The trouble is only beginning my friend!
The cupboard pictures are priceless!!!! They really do grow too fast!
Those are GREAT pictures! My favs are the second and the last one. So cute!!!
the tupperware drawer!!!!!!
Who needs toys when tupperware is available!!
How easy it is to entertain the third child….no toys in sight at this house either!!!!
11 months, congrats little beauty!
Oh my word! Those shots of her in the cabinet better be in a three-picture frame somewhere. Like now.
Too adorable.
(down unterus, down)
(that’s supposed to say “uterus” – see how taken I am with that little angel?)
Yep, looks about right for 11 months!
Oh, she is such a doll! And, you are so right…we forget all of the craziness (and picking up the bowls ten million times a day) so quickly.
Awwww, she’s getting so big!
Oh my word, I totally love the last picture — SO cute!!!
What she does with your books? Imagine CDs in place of books… that’s what used to happen with my two when they were younger.
I love a girl who loves books!
Oh,the memories… I think I have one of my little man in the cupboard that looks identical. Thanks for sharing your sweet pics and linking up for WW!
Golly those 11 months have gone by fast! There is NO doubt whose sister that girl is…she is the spitting image of both boys!! So cute! (and ps, your photos are awesome these days!!)