The weather here in Texas can be so bipolar at this time of the year. One minute you’re wearing a sweater and jeans while the temps are dipping into the ’40s and the next day you’re taking the kids to the park and sweating. It’s truly crazy.
I strolled outside on one of the warmer afternoons last week to get the mail and happened to glance up and see that our pear tree was already blooming. I’ll be honest, I was elated to see signs of Spring but also a little sad to say goodbye to Winter once again. So I guess I’m a little bipolar myself when it comes to the seaons changing.
When I was a little girl I used to watch my mother replant and rejuvenate her flower beds every Spring and bring life again to our yards. She’s an amazing green thumb. As I got older I joined her and enjoyed getting my hands dirty and watching her in her element. And I began to equate it to the renewal that is brought at the same time through the Lenten season and the eventual promises of His resurrection.
I don’t talk that much about religion but I want to put it out there that this year I have many things to ask forgiveness for and much forgiveness to strive to give as well. The fact that I am “only human” is more evident than it has been in quite some time. And alas, I am not the only one. I pray that on Easter Sunday I can feel even more of that renewal, all the way around.
So, this Spring as I dig in my own flower beds and plant new flowers I hope to also plant the seeds of forgiveness and watch them grow and flourish like never before…
For more Wordful Wednesday please go see Angie at Seven Clown Circus.
Wow. That was deep. And wonderful to read. What a blessing.
That was very moving!
I thought Wordless Wednesday was supposed to be mindless banter and lots of pictures, you know like all of my posts
Beautiful Lainey.
beautiful words – but it is cold as ever here
love your words….
What a beautiful and heartfelt post.
Thanks for sharing.
Happy WW!
Wow! Lovely post. I will think of it when I’m doing my own gardening this spring and plant some of my own seeds of forgiveness. Thanks for your candor and inspiration!
I love the seasons and how many analogies they give us for our spiritual lives…
This was an awesome read! Thanks for the encouragement.
Beautiful post.
What a lovely read.
I have chills from that post. I will pray for you in your replenishment.
Beautifully said.
Beautiful post. I need a renewal myself and I believe I have just been inspired!!!!
Beautiful post.
Very poignant. I have been feeling quite the same. Thank you for the inspiration. and candor.
uhm you lost me at pear tree! you have your very own pear tree??
In our relationship study we are doing for small groups, this week was about forgiveness…
I love spring and the renewal it brings, this was lovely.
I’m looking for some renewal, as well. I can’t wait to see the buds on the trees!:)
There isn’t a single person who doesn’t have to ask for forgiveness at one time or another. So, we should all plant those gardens:-)
Absolutely wonderful post……I’m going to plant my own garden of forgiveness! And please, take some pictures of those pears when they appear. I *heart* pears.
Beautiful, Elaine. Although I am a bit envious to hear that jeans and sweaters is a cold day for you
I hope your journey to forgiveness and forgiving is all that you hope it will be!
Beautiful post, Elaine. Beautiful.
Jeans and sweaters? If I went outside in that my limbs would fall off. It’s very icy here right now – it snows, then rains on the snow so it all gets slushy then it freezes into a Big-Ice Deathtrap. Spring has definitely not sprung here yet.
Lovely post, though. Lyrical.
How beautiful and perfect!
And, Georgia seems to be bipolar, too. Snow on Sunday and this weekend, it’s supposed to hit 70!
Wow, well said. Thank you for sharing such inspiring words. Beautiful.
Love that sentiment, thanks for the reminder!
I am hungry for some signs of spring around here, this winter seems like it is dragging on for such a long time…
That was really lovely!
I hope that for you too – this was a lovely post.
What a beautiful, touching post, Elaine! That really struck a chord with me…I’m really feeling the need to cleansing and renewal this season too. Wishing you a profitable Lent!
Loved your post– beautiful words and picture too. I must admit that I wish my thumb was a little greener. I seem to kill every plant that meets me.
Great post Elaine!
That was deep and I am slightly jealous that your tree is already blooming. I think we probably have two more months of winter before we see ours do anything!
That was a beautiful post!!
Wonderful reminders!!
And the spring weather here is totally erratic too. My friend jokes, “If you don’t like the North West spring, just wait 5 minutes.”
This is so well written, I love it. I have much to ask for forgiveness for too…thanks for the reminder