As a parent nowadays it seems as if we are in constant pursuit of the perfect picture of our kids. Or, our kids with someone else’s kids or well, even just someone else’s kids. At times it can be a pain-staking quest.
But honeslty, most of the time… it just cracks me up. Take
THIS image over at my friend Jen’s blog from our playgroup Christmas party. Really, you must see it. I think only one of the kids is actually smiling.
I told Lisa, (my new IRL bloggy friend!) that I loved her “
Christmas Card Outake” posts in which she was documenting all the times that she attempted to capture that “perfect” image of the three of them (or even the entire family). And I tell you what, she got some pretty good pics (it’s okay for you to go over and see…I’ll be here when you come back…I just linked to one good one!)
So here are a couple of my “favorites” of this holiday season. Perfect, dontcha think? ; )
(Little G was NOT up for picture time, can you tell?)
(The B Man – “Are we taking pictures AGAIN!?” Little G – “Hands off Dude!”)
OH and go HERE if you want to see a Christmas-y pic of me as a toddler myself. (originally posted last year on Dec. 20th when I only had about 4 readers!)
For more WordFUL Wednesday go to Seven Clown Circus.
For more WordLESS Wednesday go to 5 Minutes for Mom.