I filled up this humming bird feeder a few weeks ago and it didn’t take them very long to find it. I took this picture 2 weeks ago and now it is empty! And I stalked these little buggars like crazy to get this picture, lemme tell ya!
I just love that I can see many types of birds right outside my kitchen windows (which is where this is hanging), especially since at our old house all I could see was a brick wall and the neighbors A/C unit.
As an aside I had a good day yesterday. I knew THREE other moms at the library when I took Little G for story time (due in part to the fact that I joined the local Moms Club) and I met up with a local blogging friend (who I will highlight later this week…) that is going to make a bed skirt for the baby’s crib. I actually feel like we are settling in more here. And that feels really good.
WorderFUL Wednesday HQ is over at Seven Clown Circus. Check it out!
Also, enter my giveaway for 2 cute baby/toddler books here, just by leaving a comment!
so jealous! i cannot wait to buy a home to have trees to have bird feeders to have birds. boy that was a sentence!
great photo! happy ww!
my ww: http://mcclurefamilyspace.blogspot.com/
What a great shot!
I just love bird watching. Especially when they decide to visit our backyard
That is a fantastic capture….but we don’t mind you blogging about being preggers.
I am cracking up at your title!!
I watched a hummingbird in one of our bushes for about 15 minutes just the other day. They really are pretty amazing little creatures!
By the way, love love LOVE your title!!!
What a great capture!! I loved watching the hummingbirds come to our feeder but I was never quick enough with the camera to get them!
What an awesome photo!
So glad you are getting comfy in your new town.
Happy to hear you so positive, sweetie!
Glad you are making friends, always nice to be recognized. Of course, nicer to be recognized in a clean, respectful place like a library.
I got recognized in an airport bathroom recently. I tried to explain that I simply have a wide stance. Not good.
Fabulous photography skills to catch a hummingbird in flight. Happy WW!
I am glad you are feeling more at home!
What an awesome photo! I can’t seem to get any humming birds to come to my feeder. ;(
Glad you are feeling more at home and seeing familiar faces!
I’m so glad you’re starting to feel more at home now. We have a hummingbird feeder too. I just love those little cuties!
Love the photo! I like hearing about your life and you being preggars too
Cute title!
that is a great photo.
Nice photo.
My parents have a bird feeder in their yard. I’m not sure if I’d like a bunch of birds buzzing around but then again, I don’t get along with nature very well.
Wow can’t believe you actually got a photo of a hummingbird! – that’s awesome
BTW – I enjoy reading your preggo posts
— oh and you poor thing with the feet – I feel for you…I know, mine were huge from week 17 on with BOTH babies! Soon enough Momma.
You are a patient girl getting a photo of the hummingbird, those little dudes are fast!
So glad you are settling in, I bet that feels really great.
I would so love if we had hummingbirds. They are so amazing to watch. Great photo.
Happy to hear that you are settling in. It’s always hard to make changes.
Awesome pictures! My inlaws have hummingbird feeders and they spend hours watching them. They are retired of course but it is still really cool:-)
I need to put up a hummingbird feeder!
Great picture! And yea for settling.
I have always thought it would be great to have a humming bird feeder. And, by the way, it is just fine if you talk about the baby non-stop!
Oh yay! I’ve been waiting for this post, and am SO GLAD that you’re starting to settle in and feel more at home in your new life. I’m feeling more at peace and happy in my new life, too!
Oh, but I never mind hearing about all things baby related. :o)
I never grow tired of hearing about you being preggo or your swollen feet!—just so excited for you! we have a plant outside our kitchen that apparently attracts hummingbirds…they are so fun to watch…I’m gonna have to get a feeder for when the plant dies! Glad things are getting better for you…i totally understand how you feel…lived in 5 different cities in the last 8 years and it’s always difficult for awhile, but it ALWAYS gets better!
You took the time to hang a hummingbird feeder at this point in your pregnancy? I’m impressed. Glad you hear you are getting more settled, too.
i love hummingbird feeders… wish i had one here, and with a view. oh well. fun picture! miss you…
Too funny that we did post alike!! I know EXACTLY what you mean about stocking them to get the picture. Plus, they were too fast moving for my camera to focus, hence the pic of him sitting in the tree.
Good to hear you are making friends…the new place never feels like a home until you find friends. It was hard for me, and sometimes I still think (going on 2 yrs now), when am I going to find a local BF like my old neighbor bff… I’ve made lots of friends here, but it’s not the same. You know Austin…people are different here!
that is so cool – I need to get one of those
I love hummingbirds. Great shot!
I want one just like that! So cool! And I’m glad you’re getting settled in. It always helps to make/have friends when you are having a baby. When we moved here from NOLA, I joined the KC Moms of Multiples Club…it was a great jumping off point. Congrats!
dont you love love hummingbirds!!
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