Tim and I were talking the other day after he sent me a link on IM to an AMAZING shot of outer space that then links you to this picture of the Pale Blue Dot (Earth is that TINY, TINY speck at top within in the red band of light!). I mean you can barely see it. Taken from 4 billion miles away!
This just makes me feel SO small. Especially this quote that was contained therein by Carl Sagan:
“That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar”, every “supreme leader”, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”
Tim says this is what proves to him that there is a God and I can agree with that.
But here’s more proof for me:
On August 12, 2006 my nephew Daniel was born 14 weeks early at a mere 1 pound 13 ounces and looked like this in the NICU.
Today, he is thriving and a sweet, smart, beautiful 2 1/2 year old that looks like this.
That my friends is proof of God.
For more WordFUL Wednesday visit Seven Clown Circus.
I loved it. My friend had preemies (twins) at 26 weeks also 1 pound each.. but they are now 3 1/2 years old! Beautiful!
well…you made me cry. what a sweet, beautiful post…and what a handsome little guy…thanks!
He’s adorable! I get to see little, walking miracles everyday at work, and yes, that is proof of God!!!
Amen, sister! How do people not see it?!
Both are excellent examples of the presence of something greater than us.
Love this! Wonderful post!!
God is GOOD!
I would have to agree!
seriously true and seriously cute boy!
Love the photos of your nephew. I take care of preemies in the NICU and it’s so nice to be able to see them turn out so well.
I love that quote. And the little boy is so incredible. It’s amazing they can save babies so small. It wasn’t that long ago that they couldn’t. I agree, definite proof of God.
I think they are both excellent examples of the awesomeness of God!
First, the earth….whoa!!! And then your nephew…awwwwwwwww, so so precious….in BOTH photos.
My Wordful is an update on Winston’s Ladybug stool. Come on over if you can, I so love visitors and their comments!!! Happy day to you.
awesome GOD…
Wow – both beautiful and truly amazing in their own way. I am so happy to see the second picture of your nephew – he looks just fantastic!
I couldn’t have said it any better! Amen
What an awesome post…very thought provoking with the picture of the earth as a tiny little speck out there in the universe. And your nephew is just gorgeous. My girls were born 15 weeks early and are my living proof of God and miracles!
A to the men, sistah! How do people NOT believe? GREAT post, Elaine!
Aww. What a great post.
Amazing pictures! What a cute little guy he is!
Thanks for stopping by my blog – love yours!
Total proof–he is a doll
How wonderful and your little one is definitely a blessing from God. Have a great Wednesday!
Amazing proofs of God…….really loved your thoughts, too!
This both gave me chills and put me in a daze with misty eyes. Beautiful!!! God is amazing and he blesses us all more than we could ever recognize!
“Maybe they’re not small. Maybe we’re really, really big.” -Horton Hears a Who… I’ve only watched it 789 times.
Amazing – both. That tiny dot and that tiny baby – both so full of life!
Thanks Elaine. Beautifully done.
That is so well said, beautiful!
I hope you are having a good start to the new year!
That picture, seriously, makes me want to lay down on the ground and hold on for dear life.
Wonderful picture of your nephew!! Modern medicine is a whole and good gift from above – I absolutely beleive that.
Love it. You’re both right. And, there are millions of other reasons to believe. Have you had lots of emails? I’ve only heard from Bren & Jill & Lisa.
What an absolutely lovely site you have! I am simply in awe of your design. So well done. As I was clicking away at my computer today, I was fortunate to come across your site. So, so glad that I did. Did you have a vision of what you wanted before you followed up with Simply Amusing Designs?
What a wonderful story that you leave us with today too about your nephew! A good reminder for all of us, especially at the start of a new year. Thank you.
Amen sister!! I too love my little reminder that someone else is in control! There are alot of days that brings me GREAT comfort!
Amen from a strong believer!
Thank you so much for sharing such a cute kid. I love seeing kids that started out so tenuously become so healthy and wonderful!
Yep…right there with ya!
When I did all my graduate work and learned about the intricacies of the body and how amazingly we are “put together” I always thought, THIS is the proof…there is so much of it!
I totally agree. That is the ultimate proof of God. I think the same thing about my twin nieces, who were born at 32 weeks and are now healthy almost-4 year old. Wow, God is good!
Amen Sista!
And he is so stinkin’ cute!
Have a great day!
(Or night!)
Amen! And, I totally have goosebumps!
Found your link!! This on in particular caught my eye, since we are right in the middle of this ourselves. Our little man was lucky, 31 weeks and 3 lb 14 oz. He’s doing great and will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! Check out our blog for pics
Found your link!! This on in particular caught my eye, since we are right in the middle of this ourselves. Our little man was lucky, 31 weeks and 3 lb 14 oz. He’s doing great and will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! Check out our blog for pics
Made me tear up. -JenFB
Daniel is so darling.
Good Blog, I think I want to find me, I will tell my other friends, on all!
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