I’m not sure why I’m considering spending a decent amount of money on family portraits in a few weeks.
The B Man did a fine job capturing our beautiful family himself.
I mean it is quite possible that if we actually got together to take a photo that Tim would be clandestinely grabbing my boob and The B Man would attempt to strangle his little brother. With one hand. I’m going to work REALLY hard NOT to step on the baby though…
On an artistic note, aren’t our “flower” hands cute?
Yep, this is definitely one for the fridge. archives. blog.
You need to frame this and keep it forever! It is awesome! And how old is he? He’s talented, you know! I love where he placed the baby… So cute and funny!
Oh this is a forever keeper. Too cute!
Love. I especially like the baby on the floor off to the side. Maybe a subconscious snub?
I definitely think you can cancel your family portraits.
I love this! I am so glad you wrote about this–and, yes, please keep this forever and ever and ever
Ok, you seriously need to duplicate that pose during your photo shot and then put the two pictures together.
I think this is the PERFECT family shot. Is he for hire?
that really is about as good as any family portrait is every gonna get! What an artist…and he’s even already got it framed for you!!!
Why are you stepping on your baby girl? LOL. So stinking precious E! A framer for sure.
that’s awesome
OMG! I love this.so.much!
Very sweet. I’d frame it for sure. Happy WW! Stop by my linky party at http://weloveiowa.blogspot.com/2010/08/not-so-wordless-wednesday-hard-hats.html
I think that’s the last nail in the coffin for Sears Portrait Studio. What a beautiful, frameable, absolutely perfect piece.
I love this! I think your husband is wearing capris. Ha!
That is SO precious!!!
kid pics are the best……that is one to laminate and store safely!
Oh. I LOVE drawings like that! I have family photos drawn by each of my kids and it’s not only fun to see how they all captured the family, but fun to see the progression of our family
oh my… that is too cute!!
I think he’s depicting you playing jump-over-the-baby! LOL
That is adorable.
LOVE it! I guess this means back to school is going well! So cute!
Hilarious, but pretty good.
That’s adorable! What a fun link up! Cute.
Have a lovely Wednesday!
super cute drawing.
Aw, I LOVE it. Its gorgeous.
This picture made my day! Hilarious!
Oh Lord, that is awesome! And if Tim is anything like Jay, he really would be grabbing your boob. In fact, I have a picture from our trip just like it. Thank God the kids weren’t with us, think of the therapy costs.
Oh, this almost made me spit cheerios all over my keyboard! I love love LOVE it! I can’t wait until I have family portraits like that!
Very cute flower hands! Looks like a very happy family for that little artist! How beautiful! I LOVE the fact that you mentioned ‘grabbing the boob’. Great chuckle that one gave me! LOL
Your commentary cracked me up. Too funny.
Love it. THAT is adorable.
What a great and sweet picture of your family!! I love how their little minds and hands draw the people they love!!
I would say that this picture is a success… I mean, how often is it that EVERY member of your family is looking at the camera/artist? Love it!!!
What a great picture!
Hahaha!!!! I LOVE that picture. It cracks me up that Baby K is just laying on the ground. My boys used to draw pictures like that after Grace was born. It was like she was an after thought. “Oh yeah! We have another one now. I’ll just fit her in over here.”
I love how he made you holding hands. {love}
This is just too precious. Trying to catch up with a few people. Your baby girl is adorable…