My three children are growing up right before my very eyes. (I know, I can hear you saying it, “Well of course they are, Elaine, that’s what children do!”)
I registered The B Man for soccer last weekend.
Little G uses the word “actually” correctly.
Baby K smiles hugely as I come toward her to pick her up and has outgrown many of her clothes already.
They are amazing and beautiful and I love them so very much.
My three.
Have I mentioned yet that My Three and Me are taking a road trip, just the four of us?
Yeah, in about 2 and a half weeks I’m driving to Texas without the hubs and all these “wascally wabits” in tow (sorry, we’ve been watching a lot of Looney Tunes around here lately). First to Austin then three days later up the interstate to Arlington. Tim flies in for the last leg of the trip and thankfully will be there for the ride home, but I’m already praying lots of prayers that the “just Mommy and kids” part of the trip goes somewhat smoothly. I’d ask for perfect but I’m guessing that may be just TOO much to ask…
I can’t wait to see many of our friends and family and for them to meet Baby K but I kinda wish someone could just “beam us up.” I mean this is 2010 for Goodness Sake – wasn’t that supposed to be working for reals by now??? Hello, Scotty?
Also, I have TWO giveaways going on right now. One HERE and one HERE. Come check ’em out!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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