My three children are growing up right before my very eyes. (I know, I can hear you saying it, “Well of course they are, Elaine, that’s what children do!”)
I registered The B Man for soccer last weekend.
Little G uses the word “actually” correctly.
Baby K smiles hugely as I come toward her to pick her up and has outgrown many of her clothes already.
They are amazing and beautiful and I love them so very much.
My three.
Have I mentioned yet that My Three and Me are taking a road trip, just the four of us?
Yeah, in about 2 and a half weeks I’m driving to Texas without the hubs and all these “wascally wabits” in tow (sorry, we’ve been watching a lot of Looney Tunes around here lately). First to Austin then three days later up the interstate to Arlington. Tim flies in for the last leg of the trip and thankfully will be there for the ride home, but I’m already praying lots of prayers that the “just Mommy and kids” part of the trip goes somewhat smoothly. I’d ask for perfect but I’m guessing that may be just TOO much to ask…
I can’t wait to see many of our friends and family and for them to meet Baby K but I kinda wish someone could just “beam us up.” I mean this is 2010 for Goodness Sake – wasn’t that supposed to be working for reals by now??? Hello, Scotty?
Also, I have TWO giveaways going on right now. One HERE and one HERE. Come check ’em out!
They are so cute!! You are very brave to drive alone. I have only ever gone 3 hours LOL. I am a wuss LOL.
And I agree, a little beaming seems more than reasonable for 2010.
Your kids are beautiful Elaine! And you are one brave lady to do a road trip with all three on your own. Should provide some interesting blog material though…
God bless your kids. They are so cute.
And you are brave mom. Good luck with the trip.
Stopping from Seven Clown Circus.
Good luck taking a road trip solo, well, sans the hubby. That would scare me.
By the way, “actually” is one of Kate’s favorite words.
Wow…you are BRAVE!!!
You are one BRAVE woman…but it sounds like it will be so worth it!
And I’m with you…where the heck is my robot maid?
It is sort of sad when they start to say words correctly and the “baby talk” is gone. I am sure you will ask yourself, at least ten times during your drive, why…especially without the hubs.. but those moments will pass! Look forward to hearing about your journey. Following your blog I LOVE it!
OH! Wouldn’t that be perfect??? I would LOVE to not have to do road trips! UGH
Cracks me up when little ones use “big people” words properly. My 3 yr old tells me I’m “ridiculous”
Hope you have a wonderful trip
Happy WW!
what lil cuties!!! great picture!
Oh gosh you are brave!! I wouldn’t take my certainly much older, even tho still not really grown up kids farther than Target, much less out of state!
They are adorable!
Thanks for popping over to my place today…made me smile.
you are one brave gal!! Kudos to you, it will all go well I’m sure!! We have to fly in April with the 3 boys…I pitty the people sitting near us…would me drinking booze on the plane look bad? Ha! Maybe I’ll pass pout ear plugs to everyone!
I’ve been getting the urge to take a road trip with just my girls, but I can barely make it across town with them!
Best of luck and I hope the four of you have a blast!
Your kids are adorable! They do grow way too fast, don’t they? Your Mommy and Kids road trip sounds simultaneously exciting and frightening, but I bet it will be FUN!
Oh they are so darn sweet and adorable, Elaine! They are growing up so quickly, aren’t they? I still can’t believe my youngest, my baby, is 2 years old! Wah! Slow down, time!
GOOD LUCK to you on your solo-with-kids drive… I cannot wait to hear about how well you did and how great they behaved!
Beautiful pic! The look on baby’s face is hysterical!!!
Yikes, the travelling solo with three kids is quite the adventure! Kidding, I know you can handle it. I think they sense that they can’t be as demanding in the car sometimes…anyway I will pray that’s the case
Great picture! They all look so much alike in that one, cuties, all of them.
Wow, a road trip alone with the kids, you are a brave woman! But they are adorable!
They are all so precious.
And I’m definitely thinking good thoughts for you and the road trip ahead.
Your kids are gorgeous, and you are ONE COURAGEOUS WOMAN.
I *LOVE* that photo. A lot.
Wow! You are super ambitious, girl!! A car ride with all 3 by yourself??? Brave, I tell you!!
Your three are precious. :o)
And you, m’dear, are BRAVE!! Here’s to a smooth, serene trip. How long will you be in the area??
I hope it all goes smoothly, momma! I know that you guys will do great on your big road trip
Soccer, actually, and outgrowing clothes?! Time is going by way too fast…that is one fact that I know…
Good for you for being adventurous going on a road trip with the three cuties. It sure is hard to get all 3 in a picture at the same time, isn’t it. You will cherish this one- the exersaucer, the superman shirt, the cute as ever smile- everything about it is precious.
That is one good looking family!
And, you are brave my friend…I don’t think I could do it.
That is a cute pic, love them.
You will make it! You will thank Jesus for the inventor of the portable DVD player!!!
Claudia mentioned that you would be coming in to town. We need to plan a girls night for sure! Email me, I want to know when you will be here…
I don’t want to plan a trip to arkansas or anything and miss any good girl time!