So today is the day before I become the mother to my daughter. The last full day of my pregnancy with the little girl that I am now counting the hours until I meet.
Let’s take a little walk down Preggo Lane, shall we?
Me at 16 Weeks – a.k.a – the week I “popped!”
Happy in a newly acquired dress, around 20 weeks.
32 Weeks and still workin’ the dress!
The full on belly at 34 weeks. (if you look really close you can see my one stretch mark, please don’t look really close…)
Picture taken LAST night on the eve of 39 weeks:
And a (very blurry) bonus pic of my “Wall-E” feet, as Tim and I have been calling them. Last night they were especially enlarged.
I may post something tomorrow night and find some old things to “re-post” while I’m out recovering but otherwise, this is probably the last post until I let Tim hijack the place to post some pics of OUR BABY GIRL!!!! WHEE!
I can’t wait to share her with you all! : D
Go see Angie for more WordFUL Wednesday…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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