I’ve been pretty proud of my first “baby” lately.
He’s been doing SO well in the first grade, learning to read like a pro and coming home EVERY Friday with a “Good Conduct Badge”.
Last week he was featured at school as the “Super Star Student of the Week” and brought home a stuffed animal “Clifford” and a bunch of special books. We sent pictures of him to school, which were on a bulletin board in his class for the entire week, and filled out a special information sheet about him.
He took wonderful care of Clifford and was so proud to be his care-taker (even putting him in the beloved dog bed he uses for his most FAVORITE puppies). He even gave the dog a bone. See?
He’s also been pretty sweet lately too and he makes his own little “cards” and notes during “centers” at school. He made a birthday card for Baby K and has done several other ones to just say sweet things, like this…
I had to take a picture, one so that I could put it here on the blog and two, so that I can prove to him someday, if need be, that he DOES love his brother.
I’m just amazed at how he’s growing and changing right before my very eyes these days, both physically and intellectually. At 6.5 years old he just seems like such a “kid” now, playing soccer and having in-depth conversations and reading every sign on the side of the road.
He’s a really good kid and I just wanted to let you all know and document this because I feel extremely thankful and blessed.
*for whatever reason when B was a baby I used call him “my biggest”. He was NOT that big. Kinda weird, I know…
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Awesome…what a good boy! And so handsome!
Hi Elaine. Honestly, it is a big pleasure for me to watch the progress of your sun in learning and his becoming “Super Star Student of the Week” as well. As far as I think that it is a very important for teachers make learning process of their children both interesting and enjoyable. Results will not keep waiting for a long time.
What a little sweetie!
First grade is such a transformation. They seem so much more grown up, just like that, though they are still so little.
Great job, B Man!
Oh, that is so super sweet! He’s growing up way too quickly!
There is just something really, really special about that oldest child.
What great moments to document and treasure. Happy WW!
That is so sweet! I love those take-home “pets” form school. Kids feel SO special when they get to bring home the special toy from class.
That is so sweet! My son calls Clfford “Clippard”. Every time I see him it makes me think of that and laugh!
That is so sweet!!! Good for him!!!
Your Biggest sure is a sweet boy. :o) It’s amazing to see them change so much, so fast, into such cool little people!
What a wonderful boy he is! You must be very proud.
love the clifford dog idea! Our kids get no reward badges, we moms simply take pride in the fact that when we open the backpacks there are no NOTES from the teacher or notes that our kids had to write apologizing for behaviour!!
He is such a great kid, you are blessed indeed. and that note, that will come in handy for sure