I presume my father took these pictures of me. A series of three snapped when i was probably about 9 or 10 months old. My Dad has always enjoyed photography and after going through several boxes of photos at my parents’ house over the summer, I found many shots like these.
However, I never found a “set” like this. The photos were all mixed up in a huge box (or two) and I only found individual, random snapshots. Therefore I was SO happy when my Mom brought me these three over the weekend.
I think my hair is cute in them don’t you? ; )
But what I really like (and why they are not cropped) is the backgrounds.
Shag carpet. My brother {who looks to be watching t.v.}, the badly upholstered sofa, parts of the newspaper, random Christmas decorations, baby powder… And in one you can see the blurry kitchen in the background, where I assume my mother was.
I love looking back. And I love seeing EVERYTHING I can in these pictures. I consider myself a pretty nostalgic person. What about you?