I presume my father took these pictures of me. A series of three snapped when i was probably about 9 or 10 months old. My Dad has always enjoyed photography and after going through several boxes of photos at my parents’ house over the summer, I found many shots like these.
However, I never found a “set” like this. The photos were all mixed up in a huge box (or two) and I only found individual, random snapshots. Therefore I was SO happy when my Mom brought me these three over the weekend.
I think my hair is cute in them don’t you? ; )
But what I really like (and why they are not cropped) is the backgrounds.
Shag carpet. My brother {who looks to be watching t.v.}, the badly upholstered sofa, parts of the newspaper, random Christmas decorations, baby powder… And in one you can see the blurry kitchen in the background, where I assume my mother was.
I love looking back. And I love seeing EVERYTHING I can in these pictures. I consider myself a pretty nostalgic person. What about you?
For more WordFUL Wednesday see Angie at Seven Clown Circus!
lucky you – I have ZERO photos of my childhood!
cute baby shots!
lucky you – I have ZERO photos of my childhood!
cute baby shots!
AWW you were so cute!! I have maybe 3 or 4 pictures of me when I was little how lucky you are to have tons of photos to look back on and remember.
I love old photos too. Lucky for me my Dad was a photo buff too.
How cool! I have very few pictures from me as a kid … my mom has all of them
Very fun memory pics. I think we had the same sofa, lol.
my mom had 6 kids and I am #3. Therefore I have a bit of pictures (more than the last 3, less than the first 2) but they all stop at about 12. Then I have onle one or two random shots PERIOD from 12-now. Looking back at last year alone, I have maybe 15 pics of me total.
I need to get over whatever is stopping me and get in front of the camers.
and amazing how it’s the red in photos that fades last! i think my girls are so lucky – they are going to have a TONNE of photos from their child hood – AND my blog!
I never thought of it like that but it really is cool to see the old furnishings! Love your shots!
I love looking at old pictures. We have slides from when I was little and they are so much fun. A magical WW to you.
Those pictures are great, I love the plastic santa in the background.
How sweet!!! I should find a photo of me when I was a kid and share….on second thought, maybe I best not.
My Wordful is all about three ships that went sailing across the seas to discover America. And they’re all here in our city. [replicas that is]
Come on over for a blog visit, I’d love to have your company today.
Cute phots, makes me want to dig out my own baby album, if I had one
I feel the same way about older pictures. Cropping is great, but sometimes you want a glimpse of the real life all around the subject : ). What a delightful post. And, what an adorable baby you were!
That is great that you have those! That’s kind of fun to do stuff like that
I personally love the gold jug on the table. Too cute were you, little Elaine!
i like looking back at old photos like these, as well. unfortunately, i am not so good at taking photos of my kids. i am not sure they will have much to look at when they are older!
You’re right in snapshots from back when the backgrounds are just as interesting as the subject.
I can’t even tell you how much I love this, Elaine! LOVE it! Closeups are awesome, but I really love the story that’s told in the background of a photo.
Oh, and you sure were a cute baby.
I love looking back at old photos…these are adorable!!
You were such a little cutie pie!
Look at you lookin’ all cute!! Gotta love shag carpet! lol And the wonderful colors that pictures back then have….wow! Much like your parents, mine have conveniently stored aka thrown all pictures into a box that I would have to sort through. I often want to sort them out and then I regain sanity!
Those are great photos! And, you are right, sometimes I forget to enjoy the background of the pictures. It may not seem like much now but I will treasure it in years to come.
You were a cutie!
My latest post: Wednesday Words
I don’t know which is my favorite. The cute little girl, or the shag carpet and striped couch!
Those are cute, I love looking at old, random shots too!
I sooo know what you mean…maybe I should crop less
You still look the same. And, I love the 70s look in the background.
you are adorable friend
and i too am a picture junky. i love looking back and wondering why in the world my parents dressed me so crazy?
Those are great – your lucky to have those old pics. My Mom won’t come off of any of me. She says she will leave them to me in her will, lol.
Oh yes. Sometimes I wonder why we crop our pictures since we end up cutting out so many of those precious details. I love scanning the background of pictures to find things reminiscent of that era.
Great photos…you were a little cutie! shag carpet is the best!
I always try to consider the background when cropping my photos for scrapbooking…Will that wallpaper be a memory for my kids some day??? y/k stuff like that…
how very cute you looked! i love the plastic barret, i think i have one of those in my hair in about half of my childhood shots. oh and my parents had that exact same couch, it was just in shades of green!
I always enjoy looking in the backgrounds of photos to. They can tell so much more of the story.
You were a super cute kiddo
I love the retro photos!
aw these pictures are adorable. i love it.
You know what… I always take pictures and try to avoid the backgrounds. Never realized that the kids might like to look at the backgrounds years from now.
Very cool.
Thanks for opening my eyes Elaine.
I love seeing that “old” style stuff also. hehe
Funny you posted this because I just went through my parents albums a few days ago and scanned MANY pics of me as a child. I love the clothing….the decorating…….boy how times have changed!
Aww – I love it! That sofa is HAWT. You had a lot of hair! These are great!
Sometimes I wonder when I delete all the “bad” photos if I’m making a mistake … because you can see stuff like that. The background, the mess, etc. Obviously when our parents took pictures of us, there was no cropping or digital photography so most of the pictures of me as a baby are bad. But I sort of like it that way!
What a cute lil one you were! I love older pics, too! They take you right back to childhood!
You were a cutie. I love looking at pictures from people’s childhoods.
These are great photos. Maybe you have inspired me a little to start scanning old photos. I don’t know. It just seemed like work. With the advent of digital cameras I think I have gotten lazy. I remember when we could only scan.
Aww, cute!
I think we had that couch. The 70s were awesome!
Lainey!! That is so cute… you know what? You sort of look like little G in these pics. Are y’all related?
I LOVE the background too! You were such a cute baby!
You’re a cutie pie!! I agree with 3B1M’s Little G comment…related??