… and call it the “terrible twos” because I just don’t like that term.
I am going to go ahead and call it the “trying twos” because oh my golly have my patience and all kinds of other things of mine been “tried” lately by my two-year-old.
He’s cute, yes but lately he’s been a little train wreck.
He wants to do EVERY. THING. himself. EVERY. THING. (get the message??)
Fill his own sippy cup with milk(NO!) and put the lid on himself (double NO!). Latch his own five-point harness (after taking 5 minutes to get in the car BY HIMSELF!), clean up his own food/drink messes (which naturally makes things messier…), open and close doors (okay, fine.)
He even has an opinion on the path we take in the house. If we don’t walk around the same side of the couch that he did or go his preferred route – he FREAKS! “NO MAMA, THIS WAY!!! WAAAAH!”
HUH? What IS up with that, seriously?
And then there are the super random tantrums for no reason in which he starts bawling/talking and it’s completely useless to even attempt to understand what is coming out of his mouth as dog tears are streaming down his face. Yeah, those are fun.
Oh and the turning over on his belly on the changing table (which is really too small for him but the only place I can sort of corral him to change him) so that it’s virtually impossible for me to put the new diaper on him.
And bed time? Well, we’ve had to start 20-30 minutes earlier lately because HE wants to “read” his 3 to 4 books and NO, I cannot read them, he has to. And then we have to sing “twinkle, twinkle little star” 2 times and then “row, row, row your boat” a couple as well. Then he wants to “rock” and then he wants hugs and kisses from Daddy and brother and then… (oh yeah, it goes on…). I’m trying to get him to cut down on the books, etc. but I’d rather not hear the screaming, you know?
Am I complaining? Not really. More just documenting what’s going on with him these days.
There are, of course, plenty of cute moments too and I will post about those soon as well.
However, take a look at his face in this picture and I dare you to tell me you don’t see a little “trying” two year old shining right through. Double Dare actually.
For more WordFUL Wednesday go see Angie at Seven Clown Circus. She rocks.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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