I went to bed at 7:52 p.m. last night.
Although I did not fall asleep right away. I watched some Glee, which if you ask me there was a little too much Kristen Chenoweth and a show with no “Rachel” is just wrong. But hey, not my show so…
I think the long walk and weekend of girl time REALLY caught up with me. You know, around 7:53 after I laid my tired body down…
Also, have I mentioned what a FABULOUS husband I have? Not lately? Okay, then I will.
When ne picked me up at the airport he told me all the laundry was done. He’d mopped both the kitchen and living room (our L.R. is huge and all tiled), plus he had a plan for dinner and my car was washed. And the boys had fresh hair cuts.
He really is THE. BEST.
And because he’s so wonderful he let me go here to be with friends. He made it so that I could have time away to be rejuvenated. (just look at that water so Clear and Fresh!)
Sometimes I wonder how I got to have him and no one else. But it doesn’t matter, he’s mine forever and that’s all that does.
Time away is always good and needed. But home is certainly where my heart is…
nothing like home…I agree
I fall in love even more with my hubby when he cleans….my language of love is definetly the service language!
Wow, that water is pristine! Gorgeous!
And Tim is awesome! My Jay is the same, I often tell him nothing is sexier than when he is scrubbing the toilet
Wow you are so lucky!
Now, why can’t husbands find that motivation when we are home? Silly men.
oh how sweet of hubby! you are a lucky lady…I can almost see your smile from here!
Glad you got some refreshing Elaine time…we all need that every now and then!
I love the river so much! And I’m so glad you had a nice girls weekend away.
Tim is so good for you…you guys are so lucky!
I think that the best part about going away is coming home.
Beautiful pic! You lucky girl!!
Beautiful photo – how nice to go away somewhere special with some great friends AND come home to a clean house and wonderful family!
As a Glee fanatic I agree, too much Kristen and not enough Rachel last night! But I still can’t wait for the next episode, last week I thought was brilliant.
Nothing better than to appreciate, and being appreciated.
Pretty much sums up the secret to a good marriage, don’t you think?
Glad you’re home safe and sound after a fabulous weekend.
That is so beautiful. You definitely have an eye for a good picture. New follower. Nice to meet you.
Welcome home, and your hubs deserves an award!!! Mopping, washing your car, laundry, haircuts for kids, etc??? omg! It’s all my hubs can do to handle the kiddos!
What a wonderful welcome home you had. You are a lucky lady.
Okay, I’m jealous! But happy for you… will you share him?
Your husband is amazing! Glad you had a nice weekend.
What a wonderful weekend — and what a wonderful guy you married!! Wow.
I just found your blog, and I’ll be back.
Come on over for some mom inspiration and encouragement.
amen sister. time away is the best…but at the end of the day, being home is pretty sweet as well.
Wow. A good man, indeed!