I recently cleaned out the boys’ closet, taking many things to the resale shop and to charity. I also bought some new clothes for them, especially The B Man, and a few things for Little G, although he’s mostly wearing The B Man’s hand-me-downs.

When I switched out sizes for Little G the other day, and found things that The B Man used to wear at this age, it was a little heart-wrenching. Just to think that my oldest, who’s almost six years old, wore these things half of his life ago.

And ONE SHIRT in particular stood out to me. Because when my first boy was three he adored Thomas the Tank Engine. I mean LOOOOVED all things Thomas.

Ate. Breathed. Slept. You know…

And now his brother is sporting the same shirt. And in all honesty it doesn’t seem quite right for him to be wearing it. I have so MANY memories of my BEN in that shirt. It’s almost as if it should have been framed and hung above his bed or something.

But instead, yesterday I took it off the hanger and put it on Little G and when he saw it he smiled the biggest smile and exclaimed, “It’s Thomas!!”

Looks like there are many more wonderful memories with this shirt yet to come…

And HEY! Check out my giveaway for natural, organic, tasty cereal!


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