Little G was sickly yesterday. I kept him home from “school” due to a fever and an understandable grumpy disposition. Plus, I figured he’d get a better nap here at home.
In the morning he seemed better but by the late afternoon his temp was around 101.5 and he was just NOT happy. He didn’t eat much all day and fell asleep around 6:45, right next to me on the couch (this has NEVER happened). He was also extremely clingy and just wanted me to carry him around while he laid his sweet head upon my shoulder.
At one point during the day I was in his closet looking for some comfy shorts for him to wear with the pajama top that he refused to take off all day (he’s been doing this lately, wanting to keep “dis shirt!” on for the entire day. “dis shirt” being his p.j. shirt). I came across some shorts he wore while we were at the beach last Summer and all I could think of was this picture.
I pulled them off the shelf to eyeball them and see if I thought he could wear them again this year and I’m pretty sure he can. I mean they looked like capri pants in this picture so I think we’re good.
I just hope today finds him feeling much better. I can’t stand to see either of my little guys sick, even though I admittedly enjoyed the extra snuggles. : )
For more WordFUL Wednesday visit Angie at Seven Clown Circus.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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