Little G was sickly yesterday. I kept him home from “school” due to a fever and an understandable grumpy disposition. Plus, I figured he’d get a better nap here at home.
In the morning he seemed better but by the late afternoon his temp was around 101.5 and he was just NOT happy. He didn’t eat much all day and fell asleep around 6:45, right next to me on the couch (this has NEVER happened). He was also extremely clingy and just wanted me to carry him around while he laid his sweet head upon my shoulder.
At one point during the day I was in his closet looking for some comfy shorts for him to wear with the pajama top that he refused to take off all day (he’s been doing this lately, wanting to keep “dis shirt!” on for the entire day. “dis shirt” being his p.j. shirt). I came across some shorts he wore while we were at the beach last Summer and all I could think of was this picture.
I pulled them off the shelf to eyeball them and see if I thought he could wear them again this year and I’m pretty sure he can. I mean they looked like capri pants in this picture so I think we’re good.
I just hope today finds him feeling much better. I can’t stand to see either of my little guys sick, even though I admittedly enjoyed the extra snuggles. : )
For more WordFUL Wednesday visit Angie at Seven Clown Circus.
cool shot – hope he feels better
cool shot – hope he feels better
Poor guy, I hope he feels better soon!
My daughter refuses to remover her Dora pajamas when she doesn’t feel well…there must be something extra soothing about PJ’s!
That is so precious. I spent the day sorting clothes. Glad there were so many that looked like capris last year, now they are definitely shorts. Hope he feels better soon.
Hope he gets to feeling better really soon!
So cute and hope he’s better soon!
Those shorts are adorable. . and so in style!
Awesome pic and I love the shorts too!
Oh my gosh….he looks so like my own son [from about 30 years ago, or more! LOL] What a doll.
My W W is now published. I hope you can stop by sometime if you find time. It’s a YOU TUBE I made of slides on a walking tour I took my husband on this past Saturday. If you have speakers, turn up the volume…some good music was added! Happy Wednesday!
Get well soon little buddy!
Amazing picture! He is so cute!
Get better soon cutie pie!
Aw, I hope your little guy is on the mend. He’s so darn cute in those big shorts! And I just love kids speak. I try to write down how my kids pronounce things and the funny words they come up with so I can look back years from now and remember.
Poor little man – I sure hope he is feeling better today.
I hope he gets to feeling better and I think he looks adorable in his picture
Just a heartbreaker! And I love the plaid shorts…hope he’s feeling better soon.
He sure looks cute! I hope he is feeling better!
Your yesterday sounds like my today!! Nadia is home sick right now…Oh, and golly that picture is cute. Why isn’t it hanging on your wall??
It is so heartbreaking when they are sick! Jonathan has done this to me too and it breaks my heart. Love the photo. What a cutie.
Jonathan (that’s my 2-year old, by the way) is still so small he is still fitting in some of his clothes from last year. He’s going on 2 1/2 but still fits in 18 months pants! He’s such a little guy. And I love it!
I enjoy getting to hold our kids when they’re sick also, they are usually too busy to do that sort of thing now a days!
Love the blond, blond hair! Our younger 2 boys had almost that same color until they were late 2’s!
Hope your little guy feels better soon!
Awww poor little guy, I hope he feels better. Cute pic.
Oh the cuteness! Hope he feels better today!
the blonde hair and those shorts!!Too cute.
I hope he is back to his bright self today!
OMG, those shorts are so cute. And so are his chubby feet. I want to nibble onthem. Is that weird?
What an adorable cutie and I love his capris! When my son was little hated it when he was sick, but then like you, I loved the “extra snuggles!”
I hope he feels better soon. ((Hugs))
That is one sweet picture. My youngest boy often wants to keep on his PJs. This is his last year before preschool. Sometimes I just let him. But, I draw the line at letting him sleep in them wear them all day and then sleep in them again. He really likes the super hero PJs!
Wordless Wednesday: Hard to Wait!
Darn Cute!
He is a cutie patootie!
Hope he feels better soon!
i hope he’s feeling better soon! i discovered a long time ago that staying in pjs all day or wearing the same thing over and over isn’t the end of the world either
happy WW!
Poor guy! My kids get like that too. I secretly enjoy the extra snuggles too:) Hope he’s feeling better today!
Great picture. Hope he’s feeling better. I love when you can get another year out of the clothes.
Thanks for stopping by mine.
Sick kids are the absolute worst! I hope he feels better ASAP!
Oh, poor little G! I hope he feels better. My kids have been sick too…just colds, but still…not fun to have sick kiddos!!
Such a great picture!
I hope he feels better tomorrow!
It kills me that so many of the little outfits JR fit into last year he . . . still fits into this year!!!
What the hey???
But, I won’t complain. My “baby” will still be my baby a wee bit longer.
So cute. As hard as it is to have a sicky lil’ one I agree the extra love and snuggles is so worth it
Hope he is feeling better.
I hope G is feeling better now! my allergies have been kicking my butt and they have been bothering james too. poor guy, i think he got stuck with my sinus problems.
oh and that picture makes me want to be at the beach already!!!