Yesterday the boys had their end of the year program at preschool and it was so fun watching all the kids perform.
The “ones” class only did two songs and this is how interested Little G was in participating in that…
The kids also did some songs with motion that they learned in dance class as well as two songs in Spanish. And I don’t care what anyone says, that stuff is KEY-U-TE!!!
Little G and Ms. Pat (left) and Ms. Jo Ann. Ms. Jo Ann would always take G when he would cry when I would leave and she would sit down with him and start reading him a book. He also warmed up quite a bit to Ms. Pat during the second half of the year and loves to point out her picture in the book they made of all his classmate’s and teacher’s pictures.
The B Man and Ms. Vega. Ms. Vega was also in B’s 3 year-old class last year so they are old pals. She presented him with the “Best Storyteller” award and praised his ability to keep any story going.
B and Mrs. Cavazos. Mrs. Cavazos is pretty famous in our house. B always tells me “Mrs. Cavazos said today…” and “Mrs. Cavazos says that…” She and Ms. Vega are mother and daughter and they make a great teaching team.
Thanks to all the wonderful teachers out there! We will certainly miss these ladies and I am SO thankful to them for caring for and teaching my children.
For more WordFUL Wednesday (and this certainly qualifies!) go see Angie at Seven Clown Circus!
Steph says
Yeah for preschool Grads and their super awesome teachers! We have graduation on Friday and I can’t wait
Alicia W. says
Seriously! You dress your kids sooo freakin adorable.. LOVE IT!
Trannyhead says
Those boys look adorable – totally squeezable IMHO!
Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out says
OMG I could just eat them up they are so cute!
Christina says
Lucky you to have an end-of-year school program – N’s school doesn’t do one!! ;( Congrats to the little graduates!
Musings from Me says
I don’t care what people say about the trivialization of graduation. I tihnk that every level needs a tribute. My son graduated from preschool last year and will have his kidergarten program this June. My daughter is in 5th grade and will have her celebration the same day as our son — different times of day. I am proud of both of them. I am sure that both will understand that high school/college graduation is much more important, but for now they are enjoying the little graduations.
Hopping over from twitter — @musingsfromme — and I follw @mommymo’s blog
Wendi says
Your boys are just plain adorable.
And whatever would we do without great preschool teachers?
Especially those that sing and creatively move.;)
Happy Wednesday Elaine!
Lisa@verybusymomwith4 says
Such handsome little boys–the end the year is so bitter-sweet, isn’t?
Loukia says
Your boys are so very cute! Great pictures. Must have been emotional, huh?
Lisa (Jonny's Mommy) says
It is so awesome when kids have great teachers to brighten up their days! Those teachers look they just love their jobs!
Courtney says
So bittersweet to watch them grow but you have some handsome boys there!
Tiaras & Tantrums says
look how dapper they look
Tiaras & Tantrums says
look how dapper they look
Krystyn says
Don’t they look precious in their Sunday best!
They are lucky to have such good teachers.
♥spoiled mommy♥ says
They look so cute…like lil men.
If I havent already told you, IM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE HAVING A GIRL!!
Congrats my friend.
Kami's Khlopchyk says
Your boys? Very nearly as adorable as mine Love their Sunday best!
H.K. says
Congrats B Man for getting the storyteller award, you have a future writer in your family! Who knows maybe he’ll take over your blog one day!
Jenni Jiggety says
SOOOO adorable!!!
Muthering Heights says
I LOVE that first shot…so precious!
Sparkette says
Such cute stuff! Thanks fo sharing!
scrappysue says
how cute is he in his tie???
amanda says
awww can i just say awwww?? seriously adorable friend!