I am keeping this one fairly “wordless”. But not completely of course! What do you think this is anyway, silent-ville? PSHAW! The day I’m truly wordless is the day that pigs fly and H.E.double-hockey-sticks freezes over. See? I just CAN’T do it.
Anywho, this baby is most happy when she’s getting clean. I have a feeling she’s going to request “spa days” at an early age…
Our friends are here now, visiting for the holiday so let the pie and turkey eating commence! (not necessarily in that order but I’d be okay with it if it was…)
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!
(and to my Canadian friends who already celebrated, how’s the weather up there?)
Seven Clown Circus – WordFUL Wednesday HQ!
She look so peaceful and sweet!
Oh my babies did NOT like getting baths… but then again they are boys!
aww! Just precious!!!
Nothing wrong with a spa day, especially if you get to join her!
So cute…she looks so happy and relaxed!
Awwww… so,so,so cutie!
She sure is a pretty little thing!
oh those cheeks are so kissable!
My girls always loved their bathes.
Happy WW and Happy Thanksgiving!
Love the picture! And your sidebar pic is cute too. Enjoy your company. I must start cleaning my house, sometime today.
Oh, she is just so beautiful!
Such a cutie! Nat was definitely the calmest during her baths, too!
Happy turkey day.
She is the sweetest!
She is adorable! Have a great Thanksgiving =)
My boys loved bath time too. But funny enough, not so much anymore!
The weather? You want to know about the weather??? *steam comes out of ears*
I kid! It’s actually not half bad. You know, for here. You would think I was nuts for saying that but it’s all relative.
Have a great Thanksgiving! I am salivating over those pies!
Awww she is such a sweetie. The weather is unusually good here in my part of Canada! Have a happy Thanksgiving.
she. is. a. doll! Especially those darling cheeks.
She is so pretty! She looks so much like little G to me! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Hi Elaine
What a melt your heart kind of photo. Your baby girl is gorgeous.
What a close knit family you were brought up in. Your three children will each look back on their childhood days as ones filed with fun, memorable and happy times with their mum and dad.
She is a bathing beauty!
Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!
Oh my, Elaine….she’s just so precious! Hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving!
she’s so sweet! another thing to be thankful for, even if you have to indulge her in spa days!
That photo is so sweet. She looks angelic! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Whoa! I guess it’s been awhile since I’ve visited. I didn’t know your little miss arrived. Congratulations! She’s gorgeous.