When The B Man was a year old a friend of a friend took pictures for us at a park in Dallas. We paid her $20 for the session and paid to develop the film ourselves. Did you catch that? FILM!! Who’s ever heard of such a thing? HA!
Since we are getting close to B’s 5th birthday I was going through photos of him as a baby and while cruising down “memory lane” I found the photo session pics and chose a few of my favorites to share.
There aren’t too many baby pics of The B Man on here since I started the blog when he was 2.5 so it’s only fair to go back and post some, don’t you think?
love the pix! I wish I had someone who could take shots of us like that! film huh? ha
Too cute!! Love the trip down memory lane… those are always so fun!
What a cutie! He looks very serious, a bit like my stoic Lily.
Those are precious..
Time goes way too fast for me…next thing we know we’ll be posting about first dates and graduations!!
He’s adorable!!
I say it is fair and just! Cute photo’s!
He is adorable.
Hi Elaine
What a treat to walk down memory lane with you. Beautiful pictures of the B man. Soon we will all be privileged to see more baby pictures when the newest member of your family is born.
Lots of love
What a doll he is! Ah how time flies by!
OH!!!! What a sweetie! Such a little doll. I love the one with him resting his head on your shoulder. So sweet.
He is so beautiful. But don’t tell him I said that. Tell him I think he looks tough.
I like that last one…ummm…is anyone going to get me down from here?
Cute pictures!
Be still my heart. Oh watch out….in years to come, girls will be fighting over that handsome one.
My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees…errrr, um….maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.
Great pics! I am sure they will be treasured
He looks exactly the same now! You can really see his future self in his little self.
He is adorable!
What Sweet Snaps…thanks so much for sharing!
Super cute photos and the hugging one is my favorite!
These are great!
He’s so small and cute!
They grow too fast!
Gosh he’s such a cute little guy! It’s amazing how much the “little Ben” looks like the “bigger Ben” of today. That last photo makes me swoon. AWWWW!
Those are really cute pictures!
Ah….so that is what a boy looks like huh?
Ah….so that is what a boy looks like huh?
Oh, those are great! I love the trip down memory lane. Thanks for taking us along.
I could look at baby pics all day long.
It is an illness.
I’m seeking therapy . . .
Adorable, love the b/w ones!
Those pictures are just darling!
Is it your birthday today?
Happy birthday!
These are great pics! I love the one with his head on your shoulder and the very last one!
ACK, the sheer cuteness is too much!
i can’t believe how cute little B is and how much he still looks like that!!! great pictures and yeah, our pics of kirstyn from younger than 6 months are all on film too.
Film? Huh. I vaguely remember that stuff.
Great photos! I’m glad you shared them.
He was (is) such a doll!
Those pics are adorable!
You gotta love onesies with the collar. I miss those cute little things. He is adorable. Was. Is.
aww so cute-i love the pictures!!
lovely pictures
I love the last one… such a sweet little face.
What a gorgeous photo shoot. I see you are expecting…congratulations!
These are precious pictures. I love the one in the tree and the look on his face. I also love the one where he’s cuddling you!
What great photos! I really need to get some professional shots taken of my son before he gets too old!
He is so adorable. Love the bench pics and that last one in a tree.
Thank you for stopping by and your kind words.
Those are some great pics–thanks for sharing. Our photographer still uses film; she insists it is better quality still. I have no clue on this…
Oh those are GREAT! I love the one of you holding him with his head on shoulder!
those are some great photos! I feel the same way about my oldest. I did not blog when he was young so sometime I want to go and post old photos of him. Because of you, I think that I just might.
Love all these photos! Yes, you know you gotta go diggin in for his baby pictures. He’s too cute not to share!!
What a handsome little man! I love the expression in the second B&W pic…too funny!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
What great family photos…such treasures for sure!
It wasn’t that long ago that I finally kissed my Canon Rebel 35mm goodbye.
I still love film…but the convenience of digital can not be beat.