… I have a pointy belly and I’m waddling.
Yes folks. Waddling.
I caught myself doing some duck-like walking down the hallway today and I tried to adjust to a regular gait but it just didn’t happen.
My back is killing me on the lower right side and I bought one of those belly belts to help that issue but it’s hot and sticky out and so therefore when I wear it? I’m hot and sticky. Not to mention I have to take it off every time I have to tinkle, which is quite often. Can you say “inconvenient?”
As far as the belly goes, it does seem to me that I am carrying this little girl much differently than I did the boys. She seems to like to hang out somewhat lower and more in the front. And she often kicks me in the bladder. Yeah, that’s a fun party.
Here’s a little comparison for you. Although I was a few weeks farther along with Little G, the picture on the left is my belly with him and the picture on the right is Baby girl.
But of course I wouldn’t have it any other way and despite all of my whining, I’m getting more and more excited to meet her every day. We still have a little ways to go with her swimming in my belly and so I plan to do my best to enjoy the rest of my girlie pregnancy, no matter how pointy and full of waddling it may be.
Now if I could just hang out in a cool pond all day….
For more Wordfull Wednesday head over to Seven Clown Circus.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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