… I have a pointy belly and I’m waddling.
Yes folks. Waddling.
I caught myself doing some duck-like walking down the hallway today and I tried to adjust to a regular gait but it just didn’t happen.
My back is killing me on the lower right side and I bought one of those belly belts to help that issue but it’s hot and sticky out and so therefore when I wear it? I’m hot and sticky. Not to mention I have to take it off every time I have to tinkle, which is quite often. Can you say “inconvenient?”
As far as the belly goes, it does seem to me that I am carrying this little girl much differently than I did the boys. She seems to like to hang out somewhat lower and more in the front. And she often kicks me in the bladder. Yeah, that’s a fun party.
Here’s a little comparison for you. Although I was a few weeks farther along with Little G, the picture on the left is my belly with him and the picture on the right is Baby girl.
But of course I wouldn’t have it any other way and despite all of my whining, I’m getting more and more excited to meet her every day. We still have a little ways to go with her swimming in my belly and so I plan to do my best to enjoy the rest of my girlie pregnancy, no matter how pointy and full of waddling it may be.
Now if I could just hang out in a cool pond all day….
For more Wordfull Wednesday head over to Seven Clown Circus.
You are looking soooooo cute!
Hey Waddles……..just kidding! You look awesome!
Yes..you are totally carrying them different, but you are cute nonetheless!!
I’ve seen your blog name here and there around the net, so broke down tonight and stopped by. You look great! I love the little baby-in-utero widget in your sidebar! I want to be pregnant again just to add one to my own blog!
(Can you imagine THAT conversation?? “So honey, I just saw this super cute widget (him: widget???) on another blog and it got me thinking this would be a great time to try for another baby…” Him: “We’re disconnecting the internet”)
You’re one cute preggy girl! I’m joining Wordful Wednesday for the first time today and visiting participants’ entries. Cheers from Bangkok!
You are a beautiful Mom of a Girl to be!
You look great! It’s funny all the pregnancy myths out there. I’ve heard some say that if you’re pointy, then you must be carrying a boy. I was pointy both times and I have one of each.
You sure are a cute waddler!
i carried both of mine very low so i am very familar with both the bladder kick and the waddle. as a matter of fact one of my coworkers called me “waddlesworth” for a period of time.
enjoy these last few weeks!
Ok..youre making me want to have another baby!
So funny how different your belly looks this time!
Oh yes! I can see the difference but you are so freakin adorable!
There’s DEFINITELY a difference! It’s amazing how you can carry differently from one pregnancy to another. Hang in there!
AH! You’re so cute! I can’t wait to see this little girl!
you are a beautiful mom to be. tough as it is, there’s nothing like having them that close to you.
i cant believe i am 5 weeks behind you! I always thought we were closer than that lol. Either way i know how you feel. Sione seems to have wrapped himself around my bladder and is refusing to move! At 22 weeks I am already waddling! Thanks for the reminder to take a belly shot though. I haven’t done one in a few weeks.
You look so great! I try not to look at my bare belly in the mirror but when I did yesterday, I noticed that I had at some point developed some stretch marks! I am now obsessed with the cream…..
You go, cute stuff!
Whoever said you carry boys all to the front lied….your belly looks fab fab fab, love it!!!
I wish you some cooler weather….but all of this is worth it in the end..
I need to check into that belly band, I am only 19 weeks here and waddling..
The tummy looks fab! And I waddled from like 20 weeks on…J always sat real and out front too.
Wow, what a difference between how you carried G to little girl! Love it! And you look great, what a gorgeous glowing Momma!
Praying for some cooler weather. You should be here today, we are in pants!
You look fantastic! Sorry for the discomfort. Sounds like y’all are already getting settled.
You look awesome, Elaine! It is amazing how different your belly looks! I carried both of my boys like you did – wide and “unpointy”!
I love the waddling stage, I love it when its obvious you are pregnant and can enjoy that life with in you.
I agree, you look great and I think the pointy belly looks cute on you!
Yep, two different bellies. You look adorable. Can’t wait to meet her too.
I’ve always been in my first or second trimester during the summer, and it’s a good thing b/c I over heat. I can’t imagine being hot and uncomfortable from the size. So, I feel for you. But, for the record, I think you have an amazing looking belly!
loving the belly and still totally loving the new hair!
BEEEEautiful baby belly!!! I’m soooo glad I had my baby girl in May…this summer is a hot one. Hope you find your pond
Looking good. The belly is definitely different. Love it!
And, love the new hair, too!
You look absolutely adorable! What a CUTE belly! I have heard that with baby number 3, you tend to carry lower all around. I think you are looking all baby with this little girl. She’s already being good to her mama!
Feel good!
Look how cute you are!!!!
You are right…much lower!
You are so stinking cute!!!!! What a pretty pregger lady you are!
Oh you look so cute! I love pregnant bellies. They make me smile.
You are darn cute – and congratulations!! I’m so out of it lately.
Are you kidding? You look adorable and that is NOT a pointy belly. I had a friend that looked like she was growing a torpedo instead of a baby girl.
You look great, so embrace the waddle and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
You look amazing, simply amazing!
Just think, soon we will be mommies to girls!