WW – 50 Years! Wow.

These are my parents.

(one of my very favorite photos of them that I took in 1991 on one of our many vacations together)

In about three and half weeks we will join them for a big party to celebrate their marriage of 50 years.

50 Years!


But there’s a little problem.

(mom or dad, if you are reading this STOP now – please!)

I’m stumped about what to get them or do for them. I have an idea or two but nothing seems to really be coming together. Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for me, I’d love to hear them in the comments.

This is really important to me.

I do love them so and their marriage has been such an example and gift to me and my siblings and all of our family…

50 Years!

(I know, I already said that…)

Thanks in advance for any help. 🙂


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