These are my parents.
(one of my very favorite photos of them that I took in 1991 on one of our many vacations together)
In about three and half weeks we will join them for a big party to celebrate their marriage of 50 years.
50 Years!
But there’s a little problem.
(mom or dad, if you are reading this STOP now – please!)
I’m stumped about what to get them or do for them. I have an idea or two but nothing seems to really be coming together. Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for me, I’d love to hear them in the comments.
This is really important to me.
I do love them so and their marriage has been such an example and gift to me and my siblings and all of our family…
50 Years!
(I know, I already said that…)
Thanks in advance for any help.
When my parents hit their 25th several years ago, we (myself and siblings) went in together to get them a weekend away at a cute bed & breakfast. It’s so not them to do something like that but they LOVED it and still talk about it all these years later!
I am no help, my parents are celebrating 50 years next year and we are going to Disney World. That’s what they wanted. I am SO good with that
Happy 50 years to your parents! That picture is fabulous!
WOW. That’s something. Especially these days. Happy WW! Drop by my linky party at
I have absolutely no idea…my grandparents just celebrated their 50th..I don’t think I even got them a gift!
The theme is gold….so maybe something you can get engraved? A Picture frame with a then and now picture, maybe?
PS You might want to check your feed from me…you might need to re’s acting funny and not updating..and I am!
How wonderful!
I was thinking something similar to Krystyn. It’s a golden anniversary so maybe a golden frame?
How about putting together a photo book celebrating their marriage. You could fill it will 50 of their/your favorite photos and add some of your favorite quotes that your parents have said over the years or some advice that they’ve shared to make a marriage last that long.
50 years – inspiring and wonderful.
All I can think of is having a personalised gift made for them. Perhaps scouring some Etsy stores and seeing if anything catches your eye.
That is awesome! Congrats to them.
Wow! 50 years! Congratulations to them. Hmmm, I don’t know if I have any good ideas though. Maybe a nice scrap book but that would take a lot of time and work!
Wow. Congrats to them. I’m thinking that the effort you are making to go be with them on their anniversary is THE GIFT that makes them happiest.
Thanks so much for linking up today!
alicia @ a beautiful mess
Wow! 50 Years! Congrats to them! And thanks for reminding me my parents will hit that milestone in a couple of years…I better start brainstorming!
I like the suggestions thus far – I was thinking along the same lines of a ‘then’ and ‘now’ picture.
WW: Dinosaur Store
That is amazing….I just passed 5 and it sometimes feels like it’s been 50. Maybe you could put together a photo slideshow of them from the years…I’m sure they would love to see pictures of themselves when they first fell in love!
Congratulations to them and you! 50 years…amazing! Sorry I don’t have any suggestions for you though.
Congratulations to them (and your family) for 50 years. That is just beautiful.
I have no ideas for you, but congrats to your parents. That’s an amazing accomplishment.
I have no ideas for you, but congrats to your parents. That’s an amazing accomplishment.
Congrats to your parents! That is truly monumental.
My sis in law put together a photobook at Christmas, either on Snapfish or Costco (can’t remember), and my in laws LOVED it. It can be a lot of work, especially since a lot would need to be scanned, but I bet they’d love it.
Good luck!
Congratulations to your parents! I vote for a nice meal out, something we sometimes don’t do for ourselves.
Wow, congratulations to them!
Congrats to your parents! AMAZING!…How about a family vacation together…like the picture?
Congrats to your parents! AMAZING!…How about a family vacation together…like the picture?