Yes, actually, I would thanks.
My friends have carried me in the last eight plus months. They have carried me and lifted me and laughed with me when all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. They have encouraged me and have done their best to make sure that I know that I am still a good person despite what is going on in my life.
Some of my best friends are right here in town but several of them also are not. This means the phone has been a life line for me. My best friend from when I was a very little girl called me about a month ago to check up on me. We hadn’t spoken in years. But only because we are both busy and we live in different places and well just LIFE. Ya know? Yeah, you know. But when she called, of course it was like we had just talked a few weeks ago. Her heart is still the same and her voice is still the same soothing one I remember from days past. She herself has done the divorce thing (albeit without kids, but it still counts). She knows this kind of heartbreak and she knows me. The time she took to call me was so very valuable.
There’s also a really good friend in Beaumont, an amazing friend (or three) in Austin and a good friend in in the form of a cousin (who is also like my sister). Plus, several in the DFW area. And my online friends (who many are now IRL friends too!!) have been there for me in immeasurable ways as well.
I know I have probably said this before on this here blog, but I would be nothing without my friends. Yes, I have my beautiful children and my family but A) kids cannot listen to all my “sheet” right now (or probably ever) and B) my family can be there as well, just in different ways.
So, enter friends, especially the ones who have “BTDT”, meaning they are kids of divorce or have been through a divorce themselves. There are also plenty who neither of those things have happened to (thank goodness for that!) and they are just praying for me or sharing a glass of wine on my back porch on a Wednesday night, after my kids leave with their dad.
However, the ones who are going through or have been through divorce, are also priceless. Their unique experiences help me to see things in a different light and show me that I am not alone. It’s crazy, even though you know half of the people get divorced, you still manage to feel alone while going through it. This is why support groups are so important (where I found some of my good divorced friends).
I believe people loving on and supporting each other is really what makes the world go round. I know that the people who do those things for each other do not have to share DNA. You just have to share common ideals and experiences. And you have to care – about someone’s well being and future.
Friendships are so important to me, always have been. And in this season of my life I am more than grateful to be surrounded with love and support from so many of them.
So, thank you my friends. I love you and feel so blessed that you love me too…
(just a sampling of the many people who are my support)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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