Not so “wordless” today since it is my 33rd Birthday (WOO HOO!)and I thought I would take a little walk down memory lane. I happened upon these 3 photos of me as a child with my mother’s homemade “themed” birthday cakes. I love how blond my hair was back then. However, not so crazy about the knee socks. Damn 70’s. Oh and you gotta love the sofa behind me in that one too. Oh My! I may be older but at least I don’t have furniture like that! Happy WW!
Check out my husband’s guest birthday post if you have a minute – he’s a pretty good new blogger!
And for more WW go to 5 Minutes for Mom.
Great pictures! I am loving your birthday dresses too!!!
I had that same hair cut! The same dresses to only different material! Brings back memories!
Happy WW!
I love old photos!
you were a cutie.
I would give anything if I had pictures of me when I was younger! Happy WW!
Happy Birthday!!!
Oh my I have memories of those types of dresses and knee socks from my childhood as well. I also had hair clips that had beads on them in most of my old photos.
Have a wonderful special day
The Angel Forever
Happy Birthday!!
Those pictures are too cute!!
Happy Birthday!
The picture are great…. love the knees!
Happy Birthday! How sweet of your mom to make you special cakes:)
Happy Birthday ! ! I love all of those 70’s photos! Hope you have a wonderful day. And your husband did a wonderful job on his post!
Too funny!! I have a few of those knee high wearing photos, too! Lovely, indeed!
Happy Birthday!
Love your dresses!! And the cakes!
You are adorable! How neat that your mom made you special cakes for your birthday!
Have a happy birthday!!
Happy Birthday! I love the pix of you -what a cutie! Happy WW!
Happy Birthday. Forget the knee socks, those red shoes are smok’n!
Happy Birthday! And you look adorable with all your cute birthday cakes!!
I’m diggin’ the knee socks. And my mom made me a very similar bunny cake one Easter.
Scarey cooincidence.
Happy Birthday! Love the old photos of yourself…I’ll have to do the same sometime soon!
How wonderful! What awesome memories to have forever.
And I don’t mind the knee socks.
Our couch in the bonus room looks alot like your old one:)
Happy Birthday, Elaine! Can I just say that in the first picture, I thought I was looking at Ben (in oddly disturbing feminine long hair). Have a great one!
That is such a great idea to take pics with the cakes every year!
I love her smiles! So cute!
Those are the coooolest cakes! Oh man, am I ever hunry for a cake now.
Love these pics! Love the dresses and the cakes, what great memories!
What FUN cakes!
Wow, I love all of the special cakes! Happy 33rd!!
Aww, look at how cute you were! I love the knee socks, they were so cool back then.
And those cakes are the bomb, your mom rocks!
Happy Birthday girlfriend! I am a year older than you… the big 3-4 this year. WHEN did that happen exactly?