I’ve posted this picture in honor of Steph over at Adventures in Babywearing. She gave birth to her sweet baby girl on Monday and she also has three boys. Congratulations Steph! : )
This post of hers reminded me of myself and my three brothers. I think I was around 2 years old in this picture so that would have made them 9, 14 and 12. And there’s our dog Pepper at the bottom left.
The good ole days…
P.S. Come back THIS FRIDAY when I will have a GIVEAWAY! : )
For more Wordless Wednesday go here. For more “Wordful” Wednesday go to Angie’s place, SevenClownCircus!
WOW what a big age gap for you. My daughter is 9 and 10 years older than her brothers. And they look up to her. I love it!
Great pic and I love the puppy too. Happy WW!
oh, love this – I have 3 brothers as well – house full of testosterone!
oh, love this – I have 3 brothers as well – house full of testosterone!
That’s a great flashback photo!
Memories. Good one!
Awww. Pretty darned adored I’d say!!! I have a little one and two older ones and WOW do they love having that little doll to play with and spoil!
That’s a great picture!
Oh that’s so sweet! And my – that is a big gap! I would love to have older brothers though…to protect me
Great photo – it must be nice having so many brothers for protection!
1) I love love love your blog title. Perfect.
2) I love love love the oldies but goodies pictures. I keep wanting to do one of myself or something but get stymied…oh yeah, need a scanner!
Will be back!
such a great pic. it is always fun to find older ones…memory lane, good times!
Oh how sweet are you? And this picture! Love it! : )
How did you ever manage to go on a date? Your sons look a lot like your brothers.
LOL I thought the same thing…bet they were super protective, huh?
aloha from hawaii!
What a great photo of you and your brothers! I bet your boyfriends were a little intimidated!
What a great photo of your family growing up. My uncle has three sons and then his little girl was born. Of course they are all grown up now (three out in the world and one just started high school). I am sure your brother took care of you like my cousins do for their little sister.
Happy WW!
Hi. Came over from Angie’s WW. I wish I had more old pics from my youth. It’s nice to look back. Great pic!!!!!
I think it would be pretty fun to have three older brothers. You would always feel safe and protected.
What a sweet pic–thanks for sharing
What a wonderful picture! I love these pictures that travel down memory lane!
Happy WW!
What a great picture! Thank you for sharing your memories with us! Happy WW!
LOVE the picture! Were you just finishing picking your nose, or just starting? Brothers teach that stuff to precious innocent little sisters, ya know!
I love the pic. I keep wondering what my 3 boys would do if we added a girl into the mix.
3 boys and a girl! Wow! You never had a date, did you?
Right now I have two little boys. We hope to have at least one girl sometime! I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
It’s little Elaine and her body guards….err, big brothers! cuuuute!
Love it!
Have I told you yet that I LOVE your blog layout….it just makes me feel calm. It’s so pretty. And the picture of you and your brothers is so cute. Bet you were their little pet. I’m so glad you joined up today!
how sweet is your one brother holding you!! i am sure you were the favoritest little sister of all three!
How sweet! I just love to see a big age gap in big brothers and little sisters. It’s like she has her own gang of body guards!
I can tell you were the apple of the boys’ eye. Did they beat you up a lot, too? Oct 11th still good for you? I can’t get anybody else to respond.
what a sweet family photo. Also love the dachshund…we had one and loved him!
Cute pic! Your boys look SO MUCH alike. Beautiful kids.
what blessings!!!
Great picture!
I love older shots. Isn’t it great to still have them? I only have one younger sister, and it looks like Mia will only have one younger sibling as well. A big family looks like it’s full of love
That is an absolutely precious photo. So sweet!
ADORABLE! PRECIOUS! Too cute for words!!! Wow! Quite an age gap!
Oh, I love this picture! And look at you the little sister
So cute!
I think I’ll have to dig out some oldies! Good post! Happy WW
super duper cutie pic!
Love those old fashioned pics! Well, not old fashioned, just older :).
awww cute… CUTE!
What a great shot!
How fun to be the little princess in the family!
New to your site from WW. Great picture, will come back to read your posts!
Aren’t you adorable and what a great ode’ to Steph. I am sure you will be able to give her insight on how her daughter is going to feel having 3 older brothers. I just happen to follow her on twitter that night, so exciting.
Thanks for coming by my page. I will be back to yours.
Look at your hair! So cute! 3 boys and a girl is really fun, hopefully 4 boys and a girl will be just as fun:)
Thanks so much for all the well wishes, we are doing really well. Baby is just perfect.
Oh my goodness…it looks as if you were the apple of their eyes!
I can’t believe how much Ben looks like you and your brothers. Them some strong genes!
What a cute picture of you and your brothers!
I bet you were well protected growing up!