Sorry, this won’t be so “wordless” today. Below is a pic of me and The B Man on our last beach vacation almost 2 years ago (before I was even blogging!). Where does the time go?? Look how little my boy was!!
And I sure wish I could find those sunglasses. But they are LONG gone, along with the other 278 pair I have owned in my life.
Looking forward to making more memories like this with Little G included this time (although he was kinda there when this pic was taken since I was about 5 weeks pregnant!). We leave tonight and will be back on Monday. I have one guest poster… stop by tomorrow to see who it is. I promise you’ll enjoy it! : )
Scoot on over to 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesday posts!
okay, i just got my google reader all set up and then it told me you had a new post! i love it already!!!
cute picture and I too love those sunglasses! i think I have owned as many as you…ugh. i wish the good ones lasted longer but they are always the ones that get sat on or dropped and scratched!
hope you have a great time on your vacation!
Have a fun, safe time!
I look forward to seeing pics from the beach, I love beach pictures.
Hi Elaine
Wishing you a wonderful family beach holiday and hoping that many “beauty full” memories are made with your precious family.
I am looking forward to seeing your beach photos and hearing all about your holiday.
Lots of love
ohhh great shot! I love those glasses, too… hmm… Why do we all tend to lose glasses, so much?! I go through at least 2-3 per season! haha.
it’s been that long since I was at the beach too! but we are going next month…
My favorite, of all time, sunglasses just broke… Sad days.
Great picture…now go get a new beach picture!!
Have a wonderful, safe trip…and try not to fry like bacon, k?
Cute sunglasses and very cute picture! I hope you have a great time!!
That is such a great picture!! Seriously Elaine, you are so pretty!
Enjoy your time on vacation, and remember, all the packing really is worth it!
See you when you get back!
Have FUN!!! Can’t believe how tiny Ben was back then!
Have a fabulous time at the beach. Can not wait to see photos of the boys having a blast.
Happy WW!
Wow! And look at those clouds! Great pic!
What a neat picture! They grow so fast, don’t they? Happy WW!
I love beach shots! Enjoy your trip.
I can’t make the dinner on the 17th.
That’s hubby’s bday.
safe & happy travels friend!!
and seriously where do all our sunglasses go??
Have a great time and safe travels!
I think I am an odd-ball. I have the same pair of glasses my hubby (then boyfriend gave me over 10 years ago!!!)
Elaine, thanks for commenting for my giveaway!
Great picture, Elaine!
Have a fun trip!!
Does time fly fast! Great picture and memory
I just had to comment from one Elaine to another Elaine!!
That’s a great pic. I’m so glad for pics to caputre those times. Mine is growing too fast too!!
We must have similar gremlins that steal our favorite things!!
Beautiful shot. Hope you found those shades…Mia keeps breaking mine :s
Can I come with you? A vacation sounds really good especially after our playgroup today!!
Wow, love that shot… look how sweet you are with your boy … and the clouds!!!
Yup, those specs are SWEET!!! I lose mine all the time….
if you havent seen the good mail post. Thanks so much for the Starbucks card and what a cute card. Jodys card is cute also. your very talented.
I lose a million pairs of sunglasses also. But its because we dont use them enough here in Washington state!
That growing up stuff . . . why do they have to do that?
Have a SAFE trip!
I bet y’all are going to have a blast!
Great pic!
Have a wonderful trip! Can’t wait to see the new pics.
Take care and have a wonderful trip!
Sunglasses, sunglasses, where are my sunglasses?
Glad to hear I’m not the only one with issues with sunglasses