Wordless Wednesday – #15 The 4 Year Old Photo Essay

Well, this is not so “wordless” but I promise it will be worth it. Tim’s Dad and his wife Diane gave The B man a kiddie camera for his birthday and I thought I would show y’all his little world through the lens. He loves it (which is really all that matters) but I have to say that it is pictorally challenged. Not to mention it takes FOREVER to take a picture. I mean I could run out to the grocery store, come back, put the stuff away then go stand in the spot where he told me to be and it would take my picture a second later. Ah, to have the patience of a child… Anyway, here you go. The B Man’s photo essay.

We’ll start with the toys (and this is just a few pics that he took):

How about some family shots…

Would you like to see some things around the house?

And here is the photographer himself (I took the picture with his equipment!)

For more WW head over to 5 Minutes for Mom!


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