So, my youngest child (a.k.a Little G) is OBSESSED with these little fruit snacks that we buy at Costco and come in a jagnormous box of like 50 packets so that you seem to never run out. Below you will find a picture of him downing some of them and then there’s a little video of him asking for more (someone, who may be the man I am married to gave him a 2nd packet last weekend, much to my chagrin…).
I started giving these to the kids occasionally when we would pull into the garage after coming home from school. So now, we get just few houses up our street and you can hear Little G in the back seat saying “Nacks, nacks, nacks!” It’s cute but a little annoying.
Don’t you just love how he waves the bowl in my face as if to say “Give me more woman?!” Nice.
p.s. I’m a little sad that he’s not as excited about broccoli but what’s a mother to do? He’s so cute asking for these!!
Go see Angie at Seven Clown Circus for more Wordful Wednesday!
I wish sometimes I could delete the word “snack” from my kids dictionary! But he is to cute about it! LOL!
He is so adorable. I take it that he’s walking away to get his own dang NACKS since you won’t get them for him.
If you don’t start giving them soda now they are going to freebase it when they are older
haha ha ha – my baby girl calls them “nacks” too
haha ha ha – my baby girl calls them “nacks” too
ha ha ha i love how he just turned and walked away; you can tell he wasn’t amused and just wanted ‘nacks!
Matty calls fruit snacks, “kendy!” (candy)
We have those “nacks” from Costco too! He is too cute:)
So funny! What a cutie. My toddler is also a fruit snack addict. I try to limit to one packet a day, but sometimes, like when I need to bribe him to let me blog (*blush*) I might give him a second pack. Ssshh…. don’t tell anyone!
Way cute!! And how funny, I blogged about Broccoli tonight!
OMGoodness he is so adorable.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, DANG!!!! But that is so sweet. I want sum o’ those ‘nacks’ myself…care to share? So so sweet.
My Wordful is about the ‘twin towers’ here in our city. Stop by if you can. I’d love your company.
I like nacks too!
Very very cute! I also ejoy those ‘nacks. The costco size come in handy when the preschool asks for snacks too.
Nacks! LOL..I remember how crazy they were going for them when I was there
Too cute, Elaine! Evan also calls his snacks “nacks” They are hard to resist when they look so cute about it. My kids want crackers for their snacks…
Looking forward to meeting you, girlfriend! Oh, yeah. And I want a NACK!
Oh yes! This is a MUST in our house as well. It’s gotten so bad that we have to go to our local Sams (same as costco) to buy the biggest box of “Nacks” they have. If we run out all hell breaks loose up in our house! LOL
Two words I wish kids never learned: more and mine!
Too funny!
How can you resist??!! He is adorable! I will have to remember to NOT get those at Target so we don’t even start the “nack” addiction!
What a sweet video I didn’t know there was a wordful Wednesday!
Those things are like crack to my twins. Seriously………when I used to buy them they were addicted. They’d do ANYTHING to get more!
Sophia gets a take home snack at daycare and she doesn’t ever let me forget it. its usually crackers or pretzels but lately its been cookies a little too often.
I’m not sure you can call him your YOUNGEST anymore!! But he’ll always be your baby. :o)
What is it about fruit snakcs and kids?! Nadia would do just about anything for them!
We haven’t introduce fruit snacks yet. I am afraid G will like them too much! Cute pictures. The G-man loves his “nas”!
Hahaha! So cute! I love how he just gives up and walks out in the end. hehehe
Oh that was really cute! I love how he was so calm with his request. Just staring at you, like hello??????
i love how he finally just wanders off into the kitchen. like i know you are coming in here, so i will just go and wait for you.
He is so cute!! We have something similar in that the kids got 1 candy after school post-Halloween. Somehow it became a “right” and not a “privilege” and now they want it every day!
That little video is precious!
oh too cute! don’t you just love the way they talk at this age.
oh too cute! don’t you just love the way they talk at this age.
Carter is also OBSESSED with them!!!
Heyyyy, you don’t think they are slipping CRACK in those things, do you?! To get our kids all addicted?!?
(Why do I have to think weird things like this? I have a problem obviously.)
oh my that is TOO CUTE!!!
Oh, that was so cute. Give that boy some nacks mom!
I want some Nacks now too!
He is simply precious
LOL! all about those NACKS!
That is so cute…we have that same shirt..I love the stripes on the sleeves.
Hey Elaine! My kids are obsessed with those damn snacks too- that’s why I stopped buying them. My MIL has picked up the slack though so they get their sugar fix at her place. Can’t wait to see you in a few weeks.
james is like that with “mo mos” (aka, mini marshmallows). too funny.
little guy looks like he gives up on the lady with the camera and heads to the kitchen to help himself to some nacks!