I am going to be completely honest here.
Because it’s my blog and I can do that. If I want.
And because well, sometimes it’s good to write these things…
So, here’s what is on my mind…
Sometimes I wonder about people who do not have children.
You know, adult, married people.
Our society fully promotes having kids and I always knew I wanted children but every-now-and-again I get these thoughts in my head about people who do not have kids, whether by choice or not. Of course those are two VERY different scenarios.
When we went to my 10-year high school reunion we sat next to a friend of mine that I had not seen since graduation, but we were in choir together while in school and it was SO nice to see her and meet her husband. We started talking about kids and she said that she and her husband had decided not to have children and were just going to love on their nieces and nephews.
I was floored. I couldn’t imagine someone NOT wanting kids. Of course I played it off, like “Oh, good, that’s great.” Little did I know at the time that my own, very first zygote was growing within me as we spoke.
And that 8.5 months later I thought of her again, wondering why I had completely changed my life by bringing this HUMAN BEING THAT I AM COMPLETELY RESPONSIBLE FOR into the world. Maybe she was on to something… 😉
No seriously, here are some things I wonder about couples without children:
What do they do with their time?
What do they spend their money on?
How quiet is their house?
What is on their refrigerator, if not “art” of their kids and the phonics game with all the magnetic alphabet?
How do they make meals for only two people?
What is in their freezer besides chicken nuggets and frozen waffles? Or maybe they still have those things because they like them for themselves.
What kind of vehicles do they drive? How clean are they?
Do they know who Laurie Berkner is?
Where do they go on vacation?
Does their t.v. service come without Disney and Nick Jr. – because it should.
What kind of ornaments hang on their Christmas trees?
What do they do on Halloween, JUST hand out candy? Go to the bar instead?
What is in the other bedrooms of their homes?
How much sleep do they get?
Have they ever given in and read a Dr. Suess book (twice!) because a little person batted their sweet eyes at them?
What do they do with their weekends besides soccer and birthday parties and Disney movie showings?
Have they ever been pooped on or spit up on or or thrown up on?
And then I wonder these things too…
Have they ever seen the joy of child’s face when they see their mom or dad after hours or days apart?
Have they ever laughed so hard at a child’s silly antics?
Have they celebrated first steps, teeth, days of school?
Have little arms ever wrapped themselves tight around their neck?
Have they ever played and cheered for a backyard baseball game?
Have they ever raked a huge pile of leaves and listened to the giggles as a child jumps in?
Have they ever played “this little piggie…” with the cutest baby toes EVER?
Whose sweet, soft face do they kiss goodnight each night?
I just feel that children give us SO much JOY. Will I understand why someone doesn’t want kids? No, probably not. But I surely think that those who do not want kids should not have them. But you know, maybe borrow one (that you know! ha!) every once and a while, just to tap into a little bit of that joy. Because it’s pretty dang awesome.
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