I had one of those not so good “mommy moments” yesterday (aka mini-meltdown). You know the one, where you are tired of picking up the same toys, over and over. Tired of saying “No!!” And you are tired of well, how shall I say this?
…wiping things.
I mean really, how much wiping can one woman do in a day?! Yeah, there are the typical kid/baby wipings that we all know so well. : ) Bottoms, hands, faces, post-meal high chair… And then there are all the house wipings. Table, counter top, floor, front of the fridge. I really feel like I need to just strap one of those huge Lysol wipe containers to one side of my belt and baby wipes on the other. Of course that won’t work too well since I haven’t really worn a belt since we had a different president.
Oh a different president. Now that would be nice…….
Oh sorry – I’m back…
If someone asked for my job description right now, I think the first thing I would say is “Master Wiper.”
I can see my future in which my right hand is simply “stuck” in a wiping-something hand cramp.
In another random mention, last night I had a horrible nightmare concerning one of my children. Actually it was really early this morning when you are sort of awake but kinda fall back asleep, you know? Anyway, it was just awful and so I have to ask – why have I not remembered a dream in ages and when I do it has to be something terribly disturbing? What is up with that? Can’t I at least remember a pleasant dream once every month or so?
Guess I’m gonna have to have a talk with my subconcious about this. And now, I am trying to “wipe” it from my memory. Unfortunaltey I don’t think a baby wipe is gonna take care of it this time.
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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